If one can't find one language to do everything with the minimal amount of code writing (note I didn't use here deliberately) across all tasks (and one won't) just be sensible and select languages as components, not languages as a fad.
My currenr combo is / / / / and only in rare occasions I had to look elsewhere e.g in .
I understand that not everyone will share my opinion 🤣.

#programming #Coding #perl #rstats #c #cplusplus #SQL #pyth

Last updated 2 years ago

is reporting that 40-50% of assets may be recoverable, based on FT balance sheet data.

I consider this optimistic. While it marks down some likely valueless assets, they only mark down the "illiquid assets" 11.2%.

If you entirely remove the illiquid assets, then the recoverable amount drops to ~14%.

Here is what FT reported as the book value of them:

"other ventures": 1.475 B
: 1.150 B
: 500 M
: 63 M
: 35 M
: 7 M

#messari #ftx #gda #anthropic #pyth #twtr #trumplose

Last updated 2 years ago

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