Happy to launch my personal website www.geoscrub.org powered by #Flask and hosted on #PythonAnywhere #GIS #Python #SmallBusiness
#flask #pythonanywhere #gis #python #smallbusiness
Hey @donwatkins What am I doing wrong. It’s not drawing my Pentagon. It works in Idle Python. Anyone have any ideas. I know it’s user error. Please help. #python #pythonanywhere #drawing #turtle #turtlepython
#python #pythonanywhere #Drawing #turtle #turtlepython
Develop the website locally and used GitHub to implement it on #Pythonanywhere. Running it on the server was really complicated. I needed to change a lot of codes.
It looks better now. I need to check the views of the small screens later.
Also, finishing up #django 4 for the impatient involves deploying to #pythonanywhere, which is pretty neat as I haven't used any pure #paas service outside of the big three cloud services. I may use this for further projects as the cost is fairly inexpensive.
Arreglado el problemilla del bot.
Resulta que la whitelist de #pythonanywhere *parecía* estar ordenada alfabéticamente... pero resulta que no, que lo está por tramos. Por eso no encontraba un sitio apto pero sin querer hice más scroll... y resulta que comenzaba otro lote enorme de sitios y, entre ellos, #botsin.space que es donde ya vive @siempremorse
Así es que de momento el refrán diario en español y francés en código morse seguirá saliendo en twitter y shora también en mastodon
Found @botwiki here! Gotta find some time to move my bot(s) over to Masto some time soon.
I have a few fun bot implementations written in Python and hosting on the free level of #PythonAnywhere that provide some interesting content.
Anyone got strong or useful opinions on where's/how best to deploy #python apps?
Still a relative code #noob. Been using #flask and #django with both #mongo and #sql
Have tried #heroku but settled on #pythonanywhere for now. ease and cost are key. haven't branched into #docker
Gonna have some time on my hands so any tips on what I should explore next would be v helpful!
#python #noob #flask #django #mongo #sql #heroku #pythonanywhere #docker