Code sprint all day #coding #codinglife #codingisfun #django #python #pythonprogramming #pythondeveloper #coder #coderlife
#coding #codinglife #codingisfun #django #python #pythonprogramming #pythondeveloper #coder #coderlife
Converting a Multi-Page PDF to a Single Audio File with Python: Using pypdf and gTTs
#python #pypdf #gTTs #python3 #programmer #PythonDev #pythondeveloper #pythonprogramming
#python #pypdf #gtts #python3 #programmer #PythonDev #pythondeveloper #pythonprogramming
f yeah - Python Programmer Sticker
There is more than one way to format strings in Python. In version 3.6 f-strings entered the language and they became a very popular choice. Show your love for f-strings with this cool simple design.
#ComputerCode #ComputerProgrammer #GeekHumor #GeekMerch #NerdHumor #ProgrammerHumor #ProgrammerJoke #ProgrammerMerch #Programming #Python #PythonCode #PythonCoder #PythonDeveloper #PythonMerch #PythonProgrammer #PythonProgramming #PythonSticker #SoftwareDeveloper
#computercode #computerprogrammer #geekhumor #geekmerch #nerdhumor #programmerhumor #programmerjoke #programmermerch #programming #python #pythoncode #pythoncoder #pythondeveloper #pythonmerch #pythonprogrammer #pythonprogramming #pythonsticker #softwaredeveloper
Natural Language Processing strives to build machines that understand and respond to voice and text data.
NLP combines computational linguistics (rule based modeling of human language) With statistical, machine learning and deep learning models.
#pythondeveloper #nlp #ml #ai #json #pythonprojects #softwareengineer #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #deeplearning #pythonista #softwareengineering #computerscience #computerscienceengineering #engineeringlife
#pythondeveloper #nlp #ml #ai #json #pythonprojects #softwareengineer #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #deeplearning #pythonista #softwareengineering #computerscience #computerscienceengineering #engineeringlife
Today I’m brushing up on my JSON knowledge. There are so many little things in programming to learn and remember. Sometimes it seems easier to just google search. Lol but I definitely want to have working knowledge of the basics. A self-taught dev out here trying to hang with the big dogs. Gotta keep on the grind. #programming #programminglife #developer #pythondeveloper #pythonprogramming #python #thegrind
#programming #programminglife #developer #pythondeveloper #pythonprogramming #python #thegrind
Why Choose Python for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?
Python is currently the best programming language for research and development in Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
#copperchips #itservices #itservices #javascript #webdevelopment #softwaredevelopment #pythondevelopment #pythondeveloper #aidevelopers #aidevelopment
#copperchips #itservices #javascript #webdevelopment #softwaredevelopment #pythondevelopment #pythondeveloper #aidevelopers #aidevelopment