If the world is against the truth, then I am against the world.
Every week I preach justification by faith to my people, because every week they forget it.
I was a sinner; I will one day be a saint; but right now I am a sinner-saint.
Georgia grand jury report devastating.
#georgia #law #Crime #Qanon #pysops #Q
Senator Lady G and two ex-Senators, alledged Q master manipulator Michael Flynn who worked in military pysops and is a Putin butt kisser, all involved.
#georgia #law #crime #qanon #pysops #q
https://www.mask9.com/1507282/ 【NGなし】質問コーナー♡なんでも答えました🙋🏻♀️ #HKT48 #HKT48FormerMembers #HKT48元正規メンバー #Q&A #アクセサリー #ダイエット #みおちゃんねる #恋愛 #朝長美桜 #質問コーナー #質問返し
#hkt48 #hkt48formermembers #hkt48元正規メンバー #q #アクセサリー #ダイエット #みおちゃんねる #恋愛 #朝長美桜 #質問コーナー #質問返し
Sin is like a man’s beard, which though shaved off today so that his chin is smooth, grows again by tomorrow morning. As long as he lives, growth of his beard will not stop. But we mus resist it and ever cut off its growth.
Gizmodo: Lower Decks Has Taken Its Biggest, Bravest Step Yet https://gizmodo.com/star-trek-lower-decks-season-4-premiere-recap-promotion-1850806218 #draftstartreklowerdecks #softsciencefiction #startrekcrossovers #startreklowerdecks #cerritoscalifornia #startrekvoyager #bradboimler #lowerdecks #rutherford #mariners #startrek #ransom #kes #jr #q
#draftstartreklowerdecks #softsciencefiction #startrekcrossovers #startreklowerdecks #cerritoscalifornia #startrekvoyager #bradboimler #lowerdecks #rutherford #mariners #startrek #ransom #kes #jr #q
If you have believed in Jesus, you have the life which hates sin and makes you repent when you have fallen into it… the life which aspires after holiness and delight sin the law of God… it will not permit you to be at peace if you should wander into sin.
Nintendo Switch Online, Quest for Camelot, Kirby's Star Stacker, Joy Mech Fight e Downtown Nekketsu March Super-Awesome Field Day! sono ora disponibili nel servizio
#DowntownNekketsuMarchSuperAwesomeFieldDay #JoyMechFight #KirbysStarStacker #NintendoSwitchOnline #Q
#downtownnekketsumarchsuperawesomefieldday #joymechfight #kirbysstarstacker #nintendoswitchonline #q
The church’s goal is not to make unbelievers feel comfortable and nonthreatened. On the contrary, it is to make them feel uncomfortable with their sins and threatened by God’s judgment and the terrors of hell that they face.
Hoe je als speler hoort dat je naar Oranje mag... #Q #Feyenoord
Gizmodo: Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 Is a Spectacular Return to Form https://gizmodo.com/star-trek-lower-decks-season-4-review-paramount-plus-1850789023?utm_source=regular #samrutherfordeugenecordero #draftstartreklowerdecks #entertainmentculture #startreklowerdecks #softsciencefiction #startrekcrossovers #humaninterest #gabrielleruiz #bradboimler #lowerdecks #rutherford #noelwells #jackquaid #startrek #tendi #lyn #q
#samrutherfordeugenecordero #draftstartreklowerdecks #entertainmentculture #startreklowerdecks #softsciencefiction #startrekcrossovers #humaninterest #gabrielleruiz #bradboimler #lowerdecks #rutherford #noelwells #jackquaid #startrek #tendi #lyn #q
Betanews: Why UK-based companies are at a crossroads with GDPR [Q&A] https://betanews.com/2023/08/30/why-uk-based-companies-are-at-a-crossroads-with-gdpr-qa/ #dataprotection #Article #Privacy #GDPR #Q&A #UK
#dataprotection #article #privacy #gdpr #q #uk
Giving is a spontaneous, joyous, cheerful response of a loving heart toward a God who has given us everything.
https://www.wacoca.com/anime/1394299/ 【8/26 21:00〜】アイプラ生放送 ■出演:赤崎こころ役/豊崎愛生、白石沙季役/宮沢小春、一ノ瀬怜役/結城萌子、佐伯遙子役/佐々木奈緒【アイプラ】 #abematv #IDOLYPRIDE #kz #Q-MHz #QP:flapper #TrySail #TWEEDEES #Wicky.Recordings #アイドリープライド #アイドル #アニメ #オーイシマサヨシ #さかいゆう #スフィア #やしきん #佐々木奈緒 #北川勝利 #声優 #夏川椎菜 #夏目ここな #大石昌良 #宮沢小春 #寿美菜子 #戸松遥 #日向もか #橘美來 #沖井礼二 #田中秀和 #相川奏多 #結城萌子 #花田十輝 #菅野真衣 #豊崎愛生 #雨宮天 #首藤志奈 #高垣彩陽 #高尾奏音 #麻倉もも
#abematv #idolypride #kz #q #qp #trysail #tweedees #wicky #アイドリープライド #アイドル #アニメ #オーイシマサヨシ #さかいゆう #スフィア #やしきん #佐々木奈緒 #北川勝利 #声優 #夏川椎菜 #夏目ここな #大石昌良 #宮沢小春 #寿美菜子 #戸松遥 #日向もか #橘美來 #沖井礼二 #田中秀和 #相川奏多 #結城萌子 #花田十輝 #菅野真衣 #豊崎愛生 #雨宮天 #首藤志奈 #高垣彩陽 #高尾奏音 #麻倉もも
Betanews: How AI and vector search are transforming analytics [Q&A] https://betanews.com/2023/08/23/how-ai-and-vector-search-are-transforming-analytics-qa/ #ArtificialIntelligence #BigDataAnalytics #MachineLearning #dataanalytics #Article #Q&A #AI
#artificialintelligence #bigdataanalytics #machinelearning #dataanalytics #article #q #ai
Mahomet put a scimitar into the hand of each one of his followers, and said, "That is the strength of Islamism: use that sharp argument upon the nations." But Christ refused all carnal weapons, and chose the simple preaching of the word.
It's interesting the concept of #Q in #StarTrek, like the archetype #TheFool or #Dadaism or whatever ...
I know people don't like the Q episodes and dramatically, a character that can do anything and everything is a killer.
It also raises philosophical questions, like, if Qs can do anything they are immune to being killed, yet can be killed by other Qs at the same time.
It's problematic.
But with a character that can do virtually anything, their indifference is essential ...
#dadaism #thefool #StarTrek #q
@DavidKnestrick @pandanus #Q and #Qanon is all 💯 #VladimirPutin playing with American suckers. 🤷🏻♂️