Via Matthew Cortland (@mattbc) , lawyer and health care advocate, on the proposed ban of Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALY):
Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers has a good bill that would address a potentially significant source of ableism in medicine. House Democrats need to get on board.
#qaly #ushealthcare #uspolitics
6) socioeconomic indicators
Dependency ratio
Literacy rates
Effective literacy rate
#India to have #150+crore population by 2030
7) disability indicators
a) person type
b) event type
8) impairment , disability , handicap
9) disability indicators :-
a) #DALY :- measure burden/severity grade of disease
Highest DALY :- seen with #depression
b) #QALY :- effectiveness of an intervention
c) #HALE :- good indicator of health status of a country
d) #Sullivan's index / #DFLE
10) #ICD10 AND #ICD11
Colour ,chapters , volumes ,new chapters
Chapter X,F,U---R
Category and subcategory chapter codes
Browser based , Arabic numeral chapter numbers
Chapter 6d, 21,26, V
11) types of cases
Incubation period
Types of carriers
#india #daly #depression #qaly #hale #sullivan #dfle #icd10 #icd11
An optimistic belief in #capitalism is that profit maximization = value maximization.
Perhaps this belief would be true if there were "perfect" market restrictions, if there were none at all, if, if, if... Forget "if" for the moment.
How can an entity in the world as-it-is maximize value without the feedback of profit?
The NHS and other health-care providers use the #QALY to make comparisons. Do you know of similar metrics?