RT @Najahahmad_95@twitter.com
Merry Christmas to our Kurdish christians..Merry Christmas to our Christian friends
Rojava is the land of coexistence♥️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Najahahmad_95/status/1606714891661869057
RT @RojavaNetwork@twitter.com
Media Sources: The Internal Security Forces in NES give the Damascus government 2 days to lift the siege on Shahba district and the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhoods in the city of Aleppo, otherwise the #SAA controlled area in the cities of #Qamişlo and #Hasake will be surrounded.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RojavaNetwork/status/1599455967342567424
È il galantuomo amighetto di #draghy
RT @UIKIONLUS@twitter.com
#Qamislo e i villaggi limitrofi sono sotto pesanti bombardamenti da ieri, artiglieria e droni della #Turchia stanno colpendo indiscriminatamente civili e forze di autodifesa
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UIKIONLUS/status/1557380739448053761
#turchia #qamislo #rojava #draghy
RT @LowerClassMag@twitter.com
Die ersten IS-Gefangenen sind SDF-Meldungen zufolge aus einem Gefängnis in #Qamislo ausgebrochen - die #Türkei befreit systematisch alle Terroristen, die unter Einsatz tausender Menschenleben in den vergangenen Jahren gefangen genommen wurden.
#Rojava https://twitter.com/cmoc_sdf/status/1182690347027226629