☕ Let's grab some coffee at the QT Club corner in the European #Qauntum Space, Hall 4 - Stand 4A10 where each day exhibitors will feature talks
🔎Full agenda available here : http://mwc2023.qt.eu
@zmunson @GameMinimalist Excluding systems like #RainbowDeck, then:
#Qwirkle #accessible
#Qauntum #gamedesign
#TerraMystica heavy #openinformation game.
#TwilightStruggle most #thematic
#CosmicEncounters #asymetrical player powers
#NorthwestPassage #theme and best combined mechanisms result.
#Battlines accessible, themed game
#DeathAngel #solo #coop
#RedCathedral #workerplacement with a #rondel
If I include the Rainbow Deck then I’d exclude Wordle.
#rainbowdeck #bigbox #qwirkle #accessible #qauntum #gamedesign #terramystica #openinformation #twilightstruggle #thematic #cosmicencounters #asymetrical #northwestpassage #theme #smallbox #battlines #deathangel #solo #coop #redcathedral #workerplacement #rondel