I've started @2U0HZY #qdx #qrplabs #qrp #owthatironshot
#owthatironshot #qrp #qrplabs #qdx
Ah! Two of these arrived yesterday, they took a week to wend their way from Turkey to Guernsey, not too shabby!
One for me and one for @MU0WLV. Our irons are tinned and hot, our sponges, moist. Let the build off commence!
#qdx #qrplabs #qrp #owthatironshot
#owthatironshot #qrp #qrplabs #qdx
Today i played Scooter-portable radio. 5W from my #QDX, a small 20m antenna and sunshine equaled some 30 QSO:s
Well, the #QDX receives. Will it transmit? Will all of those curse words uttered while winding toroids be worth it? We shall see tomorrow. #FT8 #AmateurRadio #hashtag
#qdx #ft8 #AmateurRadio #hashtag
The Mac version of qdx-receiver is working nicely, now to get it working on Windows. Then, packaging. Linux users can build from source :)
The S meter is probably way off anything you’d find on a real receiver - but an improvement is only a pull request away :)
A nice #QDX #HamRadio #Portable operation accessory arrived today, making my QRP portable station a little less bulky: a short USB-C PD cable that delivers a fixed 9.12v into the QDX’s DC port. Now I can run off my USB-C power pack without my home brew trigger cable.
Newwyt UsbC TypeC to DC 5.5x2.5mm 9V 12V 15V 20V PD Trigger Power Cable Converter Adapter Line for LCD Monitors Broadcast Radio https://amzn.eu/d/8qjAgCA
Hi #HamRadio friends, I’ve been busy with the #QDX transceiver today - writing a receiver program for it, so you can tune and hear the received audio from your QDX on your computer. Useful when tuning your antenna for loudest signal, so you reduce the possibility of blowing the finals. Also turns it into an inexpensive SDR SSB receiver!
Not finished yet; a work in progress:
Not bad progress on the QDX build today. Capacitors, inductors, diodes and final transistors installed. (With sockets since I’ll almost certainly end up blowing them!) Next: The output transformer. But that’s a task for another day. Eyesight is still capable of through-hole construction! #QRPLabs #QDX #HamRadio
I ordered a #QRPLabs #QDX transceiver which arrived today. I was super excited until I discovered that some parts are missing in the kit.
Unfortunately, those parts are not something common like a capacitor but all of the TO92 transistors. 😕
#QRP #HamRadio #electronics
#electronics #hamradio #qrp #qdx #qrplabs
@ke8smq @KC8JC I don’t mind “normal” toroids (as in one winding, or in the case of the #QDX and #QMX, the larger one with taps), I am dread transformers with multiple windings. I use my phone camera to take pictures, blow them up and then I slowly count to see if I have the correct number of windings. Makes things much easier.
Tnx to everyone for their replys, I will keep looking into, but atm the #QDX is going to be the track I going to head down, but I am still keeping eyes open to anything new that popup.
@Rog @bud_t @Geojoek I think my #QDX is great! I got the high-band one. Very good receiver, 5W is enough for a lot of contacts-as long as more powerful stations don’t step on you. So quieter bands or FT4 are easier. Have not used it for JS8 yet but should work. No hi-SWR protection, so make sure you have a tuner or a resonant antenna. Building the kit is fun, not terribly complicated, awesome instructions.
@robotfactory @Rog Agree with the #QRPLabs suggestion, especially if you are interested in learning: the kits are really well designed and the instructions are very clear. But the real bonus is that (at least for the #QDX I built) at the end of the instructions there is a long section explaining the design of the whole transceiver and going into the details of the choices and tradeoffs for each block... I am definitely looking forward to get another kit from them! 😊
@VY1JN I have found these 12V USB-C PD to either 5.5-2.5 or 5.5-2.1 connectors very cheap on amazon and they seem to work very well! I’m now also getting a couple 9V versions since my #QDX and #X6100 prefer 9V. These paired with a USB-C PD power bank are a real game changer for #QRP ops! :alex: