Not everything is "preordained", usually. That's a very Hindu thing, to Ordain.
Us ZoroAstrians, we Tend to Like to CoCardinate. Now, with Threats of Bahamut's Love.
And then Mathstodon.XYZ deigned to Christen a new Reign of AutoCorrect and way too much Maths. #qed
And some snide idiot was off in the corner jotting stuff down.
I don't think this is sufficiently understood.
Y'all forced me to learn ENGLISH when I was FINE with Spanish. That's pretty fucked up.
I'ma be seeking reparations. #qed$
Zionists are FUNDAMENTALLY unwelcome and — at BEST misguidedly — ARE ★ACTIVELY★ pursuing Settler-Colonialism, Apartheid, and GENOCIDE.
This is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable. "Isræl" WILL cede to Palestine AS IS PROPER.
"Israel" continues to fail to understand that Saint Nicholas himself canceled Christmas as a Lesson against Apartheid.
As a Staunch Decolonial Communist, I will be part of the DisMantling of the so-called "Americas" including "United States" and "Canada". So for those pretending that Stolen Land can be Held... Pray.
Oh. Dear Reader, ¿did you Again think I was Lying or MisTaken or WhatEver? Are we ¿Projecting again, Dear?
Proper Legal Theory for the Occident has its Ground Truths written in Original Sanskrit. 🧑🏫
US Govt Mystics -- having Resigned in DisGrace last Week -- are now JobSeeking. #qed
More #QED opinion battles disguised as gathering "evidence."
I love "thinking about people in general..."
Public surveys almost always reveal motivations of those commissioning it.
Fair game to counter intended results. #ottbike #ottwalk #ottroll #ottawa #cycling #warOnCars
#qed #ottbike #ottwalk #ottroll #ottawa #cycling #waroncars
rude! 3> Also the idea of being very "insinuating" while conversing with #chatgpt. Like, a whole bunch of "that's what she said" on-the-nose puns and so forth.
But importantly, no potty mouth or direct references to anything for which they been programmed to alert a parent (or hall monitor or kapo...)
#trolling iow
Keep it clean but make it _real_ dirty.
All while talking about #QED or whatever you happen to be chatting about.
I have a feeling I will be trying soon. Maybe a bit o' #wine...?
Yeah. Not which episode of the series worthy of a score, or so, multiple #Emmys.
Just the film nobody cares about except those with my ultra-sensitive insight into interracial, inter-societal, inter-economic awareness of law enforcement's propensity to discount any facts incongruit with their preconceptions.
Which is pretty much any #LawEnforcement interaction that results in an arrest.
Because cops are blind to historical reality. Ergo #ACAB. #QED.
#qed #acab #lawenforcement #emmys

The #sea is emotion incarnate.
It loves,
It defies all attempts to capture it with words
rejects all shackles.
No matter what you #say about it,
there is always that which you can't.
#QED [#X ]

#sea #say #BeSMART #becritical #clickwisely #qed #x #you