I have neglected this channel, sorry lol. If you follow me you will probably find this interesting: https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.00442
#qft #gaugetheory #motives #homotopy #categories
How does #Hawking #Radiation REALLY work?
"Nothing can escape #BlackHoles, yet somehow they can lose #Mass by emitting #HawkingRadiation?!" - #TheScienceAsylum
#ScienceAsylum #NickLucid #Physics #Astrophysics #Conservation #Information #ConservationOfInformation #Energy #ConservationOfEnergy #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #QFT #QuantumFieldTheory #FieldTheory #QuantumField #QuantumFields #Spacetime #VirtualParticles #Evaporation
#evaporation #virtualparticles #spacetime #quantumfields #quantumfield #fieldtheory #QuantumFieldTheory #qft #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #conservationofenergy #energy #conservationofinformation #information #conservation #astrophysics #physics #nicklucid #scienceasylum #thescienceasylum #hawkingradiation #mass #blackholes #radiation #hawking
I have been discussing with German Sierra who has worked on rainbow states theoretically. It's interesting that a quench changes local correlations into a global correlation pattern with extensive mutual information.
It would be interesting to understand whether the experimental non-equilibrium #QFT dynamics gives rise to also other states that the inhomogeneous models that originally yielded rainbow correlation patterns, for example at finite temperatures the phase diagram of subblock entropy includes a crossover in the scaling type.
For now the experiment yielded only 1 type of a rainbow state.
here is an other nerdy one with a rather limited venn diagram intersection.
this meme is the logical continuation of:
#meme #mamema #memes #physics #qft #cmb #philosophy #greek #mythology #atlas
#meme #mamema #memes #physics #qft #cmb #philosophy #greek #mythology #atlas
this meme is the logical continuation of:
#meme #mamema #memes #physics #qft #cmb #philosophy #greek #mythology #atlas
#meme #mamema #memes #physics #qft #cmb #philosophy #greek #mythology #atlas
One of the cool things about the online world is access to some really good textbooks. Dr Warren (perfect name #rabbit ) Siegel put out a free and open source textbook on Quantum Field Theory #QFT
If you’re interested, the main page for it is located here:
#rabbit #qft #quantum #physics #research #opensource
Gravity is much weaker than electromagnetism but still essential to consider in condensed matter physics; but why?🤔
Learn about Luttinger's argument and discuss the gravitational bulk-boundary correspondence online at enabla.com/pub/1115/about 📜🎥
Revise the conformal and gravitational anomalies and explore the interplay between gravity and electromagnetism in the quantum Hall effect⚡️
All Enabla lectures are #free and #OpenAccess. If you like what we're doing, please support us by reposting, following this account, leaving some comments under this post & asking questions on #Enabla. Any of these actions help us a lot; thank you!🙏
#QFT #QuantumFieldTheory #Gravity #CondensedMatter #Quantum #Physics #PhD
#phd #physics #quantum #condensedmatter #gravity #QuantumFieldTheory #qft #enabla #openaccess #free
The one-semester-long introductory #QFT course by Prof. Partha Mukhopadhyay has come to an end, and all the video lectures are now available at https://enabla.com/set/173 🎥
Follow the insightful approach inspired by Dirac & Feynman and discover path integrals, world-line theory, Feynman diagrams, renormalization techniques, and more!🔥
Don't miss the unique #free opportunity to learn from experts: ask Prof. Partha Mukhopadhyay your questions here or on #Enabla via in-time threads, and enhance your understanding of the crucial theoretical #physics concepts of the #QuantumFieldTheory 😎
All Enabla lectures are #OpenAccess. Please support us by sharing this post, following our account & asking questions on Enabla. Thank you!🙏
#openaccess #QuantumFieldTheory #physics #enabla #free #qft
Following on the Monday tweet, we invite everyone to explore the concluding lecture on renormalization techniques in #QFT at https://enabla.com/pub/1110/about 🎥
Don't be shy: ask
Prof. Partha Mukhopadhyay online or join existing in-time threads like https://enabla.com/en/pub/1066/thread/186 for more insights🔥
Abstract: Following up on the discussion in the previous two chapters, various interesting aspects of QFT in general emerge which we explain and explicitly demonstrate using the current example. These are renormalised couplings and renormalised 1PI vertices, running of them with the scale and renormalisation prescription. The latter basically allows one to relate the mathematical objects we calculate and the observable quantities we measure. Finally, we consider various scenarios of asymptotic behaviour of the coupling as a function of the scale and touch upon the ideas of quantum triviality, UV and IR fixed points and asymptotic freedom. We end our discussion by deriving the “Renormalisation Group Equation” for 1PI vertices and an expression for their anomalous mass dimension.
All Enabla lectures are #free & #OpenAccess. Please support us by sharing this post, following our account & asking questions on Enabla. Thank you!🙏
#QuantumFieldTheory #renormalization #Quantum #Physics #PhD #Lecture
#lecture #phd #physics #quantum #renormalization #QuantumFieldTheory #openaccess #free #qft
💡Regularization and renormalization techniques are crucial for understanding fundamental interactions in theoretical #physics.
Learn about handling UV divergences and discuss theories' renormalisability with
Partha Mukhopadhyay from The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, at https://enabla.com/pub/1104/about 🎥
Abstract: we introduce the general theme of counter-term renormalisation programme which is an approach to make sense of the UV divergences observed in the previous chapter https://enabla.com/set/173/pub/682/about. In this approach one regularises the divergences, a process that introduces a scale in the problem, and then adds counter terms to the original Lagrangian to absorb the divergences in the physical limit. Based on the patterns of divergences depending on the mass dimension of the coupling, three categories of theories emerge: super-renormalisable, renormalisable and non-renormalisable theories. In our explicit demonstration, we consider dimensional regularisation and calculate certain example integrals whose results will be crucial in the analysis of the next chapter.
All Enabla lectures are #free & #OpenAccess. Please support us by sharing this post, following our account & asking questions on Enabla. Thank you!🙏
#QuantumFieldTheory #QFT #renormalization #regularization #QuantumPhysics #PhD #Lecture
#lecture #phd #quantumphysics #regularization #renormalization #qft #QuantumFieldTheory #openaccess #free #physics
🤔Did you know global anomalies in topological superconductors show a different topological invariant from the Altland-Zirnbauer classification? Find out why at https://enabla.com/pub/1111/about 📜🎥 and discuss our new #QFT in #CondensedMatter lecture with its authors🤩
Abstract: In this class, we finish the discussion about global anomalies, discussing global anomalies in topological superconductors. Interestingly, the studies of global anomalies in these materials show a different topological invariant from the Altland-Zirnbauer classification. To understand why, we consider the effect of interactions in topological superconductors, showing that the presence of interactions that respect the symmetry can change the topological class, but this is encoded correctly in the anomalies. Further, we discuss the change of the partition functions when using different frames to describe a Chern-Simons term, what gives rise to the framing anomaly.
All Enabla lectures are #free & #OpenAccess. Please support us by sharing this post, following our account & asking questions on Enabla. Thank you!🙏
#QuantumFieldTheory #Superconductors #Topology #TopologicalSuperconductors #TopologicalMaterials #Physics #Science #Lecture #OpenScience #OpenEducation
#openeducation #openscience #lecture #science #physics #topologicalmaterials #topologicalsuperconductors #topology #superconductors #QuantumFieldTheory #openaccess #free #condensedmatter #qft
⚡️Welcome to the world of l⦵⧂p diagrams!👻 Explore Feynman and Schwinger parametrizations, uncover the mysteries of UV divergences, and learn about the superficial degree of divergence!
🤔Curious? Chat with Partha Mukhopadhyay from The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, at https://enabla.com/pub/682/about 🎥
Abstract: Having developed the diagrammatics in detail, we now address the problem of explicitly computing the diagrams. The study is facilitated by introducing Feynman and Schwinger parametrization of the loop integrands. We argue that generically loop diagrams are fraught with UV divergences coming from large values of the loop momenta. Typically the diverging contribution comes from a “region of coincidence” where all the vertices associated to the loop coincide in position space. Next we introduce a key concept called superficial degree of divergence. We explain what is superficial about it and then state and outline the proof of Weinberg’s theorem associated with it. This allows us to explore the pattern in which divergences appear for power law potentials depending on the mass dimension of the coupling.
All Enabla lectures are #free & #OpenAccess. Please support us by sharing this post, following our account & asking questions on Enabla. Thank you!🙏
#QuantumFieldTheory #QFT #Feynman #Schwinger #LoopDiagrams #FeynmanDiagrams #Physics #Lecture
#lecture #physics #feynmandiagrams #loopdiagrams #schwinger #feynman #qft #QuantumFieldTheory #openaccess #free
@charliewood on Jean Écalle’s resurgence theory—how to go beyond the pertubation theory of divergent series in quantum field theory, to the underlying exact result—
I can’t remotely keep up with this, but it strikes me as a very big deal.
#qft #DivergentSeries #jeanecalle
After the two previous #OpenAccess #QFT lectures by Partha Mukhopadhyay from The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, you're surely prepared for this one🔥
The Klein-Gordon theory is one of the basic #relativistic #quantum-mechanical concepts; learn & discuss its path integrals statement at https://enabla.com/pub/576/about
Our lectures are #free & #openaccess; the easiest way for you to support our project is to share this post, follow our account, and ask a few questions on Enabla. Thank you!🙏
#free #quantum #relativistic #qft #openaccess
Remember the half-quantized #quantum #HallEffect paradox we introduced a week ago? Today we explain this effect and discuss why it is present in #topological #insulators but not in #superconductors🤓
Explore the #QFT videos & lecture notes and ask your questions at https://enabla.com/pub/1103/about
All our lectures are #free and #OpenAccess; the easiest way for you to support our project is to share this post, follow our account, and ask a few questions on Enabla. Thank you!🙏
#openaccess #free #qft #superconductors #insulators #topological #halleffect #quantum
What can be better than starting your week with the great #OpenAccess #physics lecture? Especially if this is the 2nd #QFT lecture by Partha Mukhopadhyay from The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai🔥
Familiarize yourself with the world-line theory & Feynman #diagrams, and ask questions at https://enabla.com/pub/1067/about
Our lectures are #free & #openaccess; the easiest way for you to support our project is to share this post, follow our account, and ask a few questions on Enabla. Thank you!🙏
#free #diagrams #qft #physics #openaccess
Lately, there has been quite a lot of advanced #QFT stuff, yeah? How about revisiting the basics?😉
Embrace the first lecture of the detailed #QuantumFieldTheory course by Partha Mukhopadhyay from the Chennai Mathematical Institute. Don't be shy: watch the videos & ask your questions at https://enabla.com/pub/1066/about
All our lectures are #free and #openaccess; the easiest way for you to support our project is to share this post, follow our account, and ask a few questions on Enabla. Thank you!🙏
#openaccess #free #QuantumFieldTheory #qft
We continue talking about the #QuantumFieldTheory #Anomalies with the #OpenAccess lecture on #Weyl #Semimetals. Learn about #Topological #QFT, Dirac materials, and mixed anomalies, and discuss what is left unclear with the authors and our community at https://enabla.com/set/153/pub/1071/about
#qft #topological #semimetals #weyl #openaccess #anomalies #QuantumFieldTheory
Our #OpenAccess #QFT #Anomalies in #CondensedMatter #Physics course already includes five lectures and counting🔥 Hans & Rodrigo from #StockholmUniversity & #UppsalaUniversity are doing fantastic work posting videos & lecture notes, and they are waiting for your curious questions to help you better grasp the materials at https://enabla.com/set/153🤓
#QuantumMechanics #QuantumFieldTheory #ConformalFieldTheory #Topology #Symmetry #SymmetryBreaking
#symmetrybreaking #symmetry #topology #conformalfieldtheory #QuantumFieldTheory #quantummechanics #uppsalauniversity #StockholmUniversity #physics #condensedmatter #anomalies #qft #openaccess