Went to town, got ALL the #Qigong out of the way in the park, had a vegetable fajita (which proves I'm not racist) in Mr Billy's, washed down with Rooibos tea, with honey, and a slice of lemon, got a bunch of groceries, for tomorrow's fry-up, and now I'm at home and GAGGING for a nicotine pouch, but that's okay, because I have one in my hand right now.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSzpTLQap0o&t=46s Time to finish my #Qigong session. Tonight it's Ba duan jin, and then I will have earned another nicotine pouch. 🙂
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kGf2qIKDyg&t=309s Good, got the #Qigong out of the way, now I can chill as much as I want. 🙂
Urlaub ist super dazu geeignet, einfach mal neue Gewohnheiten auszuprobieren wie meditieren, Yoga oder #Qigong :D Was sich gut anfühlt, wird beibehalten.
#AchtsamkeitClub sind an #Achtsamkeit #Meditation #Zen #Zazen #Yoga #QiGong interessierte Menschen aus #Bonn
#achtsamkeitclub #achtsamkeit #meditation #zen #zazen #yoga #qigong #bonn
I would really like to discuss and go through single #qigong figures. Like for example "ild monk chopping wood"
Funny, felt kinda tired earlier, flat, low, had headache.. So, I went to bed, and slept for 5 hours straight. It's now 3:51 am, and I've just done my #Qigong routine, and feel much better. Makes me wonder if it was merely my body telling me I needed to catch up on sleep, or perhaps something I ate. Anyway, that's me.
Well, went over to mum's, had a fry-up, now I'm chilling. Day 6 of no booze. Got to do some #Qigong later, but apart from that, it's chillaxing all day. I've cycled 4 or so miles, got in some food for dinner tonight, so .. I'm laughing. 😆 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGuhnP48rXc
Ah good, I skipped a #Qigong session, due to being ... tired, and emotional, but have squeezed in two sessions today, so am all caught up. It's funny how the little rituals we create for ourselves become such pressing arbitrary imperatives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPXElUscbLU
La politique d’extermination des pratiquants de Falun Gong de Jiang Zemin consistait à « salir leur réputation, les écraser financièrement et les détruire physiquement ».
#Chine #Méditation #crimes #droitshumains #FalunGong #QiGong #LeFigaro #propagande #santé #crimescontrelhumanité #persécution #communisme #hopitaux #greffe #particommunistechinois #greffes #tousensemble #UnionEuropéenne #PCC #Chirac #dictature #méditer #FalunDafa #chirurgiens #UE
#chine #meditation #crimes #droitshumains #falungong #qigong #lefigaro #propagande #sante #crimescontrelhumanite #persecution #Communisme #hopitaux #greffe #particommunistechinois #greffes #tousensemble #unioneuropeenne #pcc #chirac #dictature #mediter #falundafa #chirurgiens #ue
Baguazhang this morning was very good and cleansing. A lot of junk in my heart and mind was released. For me, my martial practice is intensely healing, it goes beyond fighting into nourishing life.
#qigong #martialarts #baguazhang