There's a saying, 年少不知词中意,读懂已是词中人 (When I was young I didn't understand the poem's meaning; when I finally understood, I had become a part of the poetry)
I finally finished editing my essay on translating Qiu Jin's poetry that was derailed (by the British Museum) more than two months ago!!!
#qiujin #translation #poetry #amwriting #writingcommunity
#BritishMuseum settles case with @yilinwriter after using her work #translating Chinese feminist #poet #QiuJin, then removing it, all w/o permission, credit, or payment - “the worst possible outcome. The public are now not only being denied the chance to see my translations, and to know who wrote them, but also the chance to read Qiu Jin’s words too ... two female writers of colour have both had their work erased. We are not disposable.”
#britishmuseum #translating #poet #qiujin #NameTheTranslator #copyright
Vertaalster Yilin Wang @yilinwriter heeft toch gelijk gekregen van het British Museum. De teksten van dichteres Qiu Jin komen weer in de tentoonstelling, met Wangs vertalingen erbij, nu met haar naam, en Wang krijgt een fatsoenlijke vergoeding. Eind goed al goed, hopelijk doet het museum het volgende keer meteen goed en niet pas als er een advocaat bij is gehaald.
#QiuJin #BritishMuseum #vertalen #plagiaat #poëzie #China #NoemDeVertaler #NameTheTranslator
#NameTheTranslator #noemdevertaler #china #poezie #plagiaat #vertalen #britishmuseum #qiujin
Hey everyone, I am glad to share that I have reached a settlement with the British Museum! Thank you so, so much for your support throughout this.
Here's my update on the matter:
#BritishMuseum #NameTheTranslator #QiuJin #academia #AsianStudies #Translation #ChinasHiddenCentury #Poetry #秋瑾 #翻译 #诗
#britishmuseum #NameTheTranslator #qiujin #academia #AsianStudies #translation #chinashiddencentury #poetry #秋瑾 #翻译 #诗
Some friends have started this petition to support me and to hold the British Museum accountable for their use of my translations of Qiu Jin's poetry without permission, credit, or pay in an exhibit for over a month.
Please sign it and share!
#NameTheTranslator #QiuJin #WritingCommunity #Translation #Academia #museums
#NameTheTranslator #qiujin #writingcommunity #translation #academia #museums
Some friends have started this petition to support me and to hold the British Museum accountable for their use of my translations of Qiu Jin's poetry without permission, credit, or pay in an exhibit for over a month. Please sign it and share! #NameTheTranslator #QiuJin
Alright, everyone, we are just a little more than £1k away from meeting the fundraiser target which is the minimum that would allow me to start legal action. Do you think we can make it to the finishing line today? It would be so amazing! Thank you!!
#NameTheTranslator #BritishMuseum #QiuJin #Translation #Academia #Poetry #WritingCommunity
#NameTheTranslator #britishmuseum #qiujin #translation #academia #poetry #writingcommunity
There has been a poignant thread on the bird about copyright infringement by the British Museum. The wronged translator is crowdfunding so they can take legal action against the BM:
We're half way through the fundraising period.
There are just 5 days left. I know everyone is tired (including me) lol. But let's get through this and hold the British Museum accountable!!
If you ever wanted to do something about the British Museum's theft, please spread the word:
#BritishMuseum #QiuJin #NameTheTranslator #WritingCommunity #Poetry #Translation
#britishmuseum #qiujin #NameTheTranslator #writingcommunity #poetry #translation
- Please donate to hold the British Museum accountable for the erasure of Chinese feminist poet Qiu Jin -
Today I want to talk about the importance of poetry in a Chinese cultural context and why this makes the removal of Qiu Jin's poetry especially problematic. Please share!
#Poetry #QiuJin #writingcommunity #Translation #NameTheTranslator #BritishMuseum #Academia
#poetry #qiujin #writingcommunity #translation #NameTheTranslator #britishmuseum #academia
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported, spread the word about, and donated to my fundraiser to hold the British Museum accountable for copyright and moral rights infringement and the erasure of feminist poet Qiu Jin
We have passed the 33% mark!!
Let's show the British Museum that they must respect the labor of writers and translators! Please keep spreading the word
#BritishMuseum #QiuJin #NameTheTranslator #academia #poetry #translation #writingcommunity
#britishmuseum #qiujin #NameTheTranslator #academia #poetry #translation #writingcommunity
Please consider donating and help spread the word!! Help me hold the #BritishMuseum accountable for copyright and moral rights infringement and the erasure of feminist poet
#QiuJin #poetry #translation #NameTheTranslator #PayTheTranslator #academia #writingcommunity
#britishmuseum #qiujin #poetry #translation #NameTheTranslator #paythetranslator #academia #writingcommunity
Hold the British Museum accountable for copyright and moral rights infringement and the erasure of feminist poet Qiu Jin!
Recently, I discovered that the British Museum's "China's Hidden Century" exhibit used my published translations of Chinese feminist poet Qiu Jin's poetry without contacting me, and thus without any permission, credit, or payment.
#BritishMuseum #QiuJin #Translation #Poetry #writingcommunity #feminism #writer #academia
#britishmuseum #qiujin #translation #poetry #writingcommunity #feminism #writer #academia
"what an uncalled for act of erasure - Qiu Jin is now featured in the exhibition but without showing any of her words, silent, without a voice of own just like other representations of "the orient" in British museums
why? just bc a translator demanded to be credited & paid"
#qiujin #britishmuseum #translator #yilinwang
Het British Museum wijdt een deel van een tentoonstelling aan dichteres en revolutionaire Qiu Jin (1875-1907) – hoera! Maar daarbij hebben ze de vertalingen van vertaalster Yilin Wang @yilinwriter gebruikt zonder toestemming en zonder betaling – boe. Speelt nu al dagen en is nog steeds niet opgelost, tamelijk schandalig.
#China #poëzie #QiuJin #BritishMuseum #vertalen #plagiaat
#plagiaat #vertalen #britishmuseum #qiujin #poezie #china
🎧Out today🎧:
“Cycles of Resistance” by
Chelsea Hollow
24 new art songs for soprano and piano commissioned by Chelsea from 9 composers: Niloufar Nourbakhsh, Sophie Xuefei Zhang, Anthony R. Green, Michael Wiener, Molly Joyce, Lauren McCall, Jason Cady, Özden Gülsün, and Myron Silberstein.
Texts: Chinese feminist poetry from the early 1900s; a Dutch sonnet on love conquering all evils; the unity of young Czech girls imprisoned in Room 28 at Theresienstadt Internment Camp; a reminder that all humans are part of the disability community at some point in their lives; maternal hesitation, clarity, and urgency in the Flint, Michigan water crisis; harrowing tales of the Turkish Femicide; Prayers of Peace from the traditions of Islam and Hinduism; & inspiring speeches by U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and activist Valarie Kaur.
#ArtSong #soprano #piano #AOC #ValarieKaur #Resistance #NewMusic #QiuJin #HenriëtteRolandHolst #JudithHeumann #FlintMichigan
#Artsong #soprano #piano #aoc #valariekaur #resistance #newmusic #qiujin #henrietterolandholst #judithheumann #flintmichigan