Last ditch effort to keep Comm Games in #Australia - | Considering half of the 2018 Commonwealth Games was actually in #Brisbane and Peter Beattie embarrassed the f%*k out of us with his piss poor opening / closing ceremonies, I’m not sure this is a good idea… | #CommonwealthGames #2018CommonwealthGames #XXICommonwealthGames #2026CommonwealthGames #XXIIICommonwealthGames #GoldCoast #QLD #Queensland #TomTate #MayorTomTate #PeterBeattie
#australia #brisbane #commonwealthgames #2018commonwealthgames #xxicommonwealthgames #2026commonwealthgames #xxiiicommonwealthgames #goldcoast #qld #queensland #tomtate #mayortomtate #peterbeattie
Wouldn’t it be funny if #labor got booted in #qld because they didn’t know how to look after a heritage listed primary school that is loved by the parents and teachers in a #labor voting suburb. #qldpol
Where do I get my fur?
(Important context: Im based in #rural part of #Australia #Qld and the prices on the websites are most likely listed in #AUD)
My Local spotlight
- No shipping time or costs
(just a drive away)
- medium range prices
- Supporting local
- small selection
- they don't have everything in stock all the time
- extremely good quality
- unique range of textures and patterned fur
- medium shipping time (ships within Australia)
- supporting Australian business
- for those with a higher budget
- Wide selection of colours
- cheapest option
- shipping can take up to a month
- from a country with less strict labour laws (china)
- not really great quality, would not recommend for face fur that will be shaved
#furry #fursuitmaker #fursuit #fursuiter
#australianfurry #aussiefurry #australianfursuitmaker
#rural #australia #qld #aud #furry #fursuitmaker #fursuit #fursuiter #australianfurry #aussiefurry #australianfursuitmaker
Gold Coast Light Rail: Stage 4 (Tugun to Coolangatta) Fly-Through - | This is the proposed route (Tugun to Coolangatta) for 'stage 4' of the Gold Coast Light Rail, which is still in its planning stages. I really don't understand why they don't just build it now, when it's going to have so many economic and social benefits for the Gold Coast. | #GCLR #GoldCoastLightRail #GoldCoasttram #GLink #ridetheG #GoldCoast #QLD #Queensland #TransLink
#gclr #goldcoastlightrail #goldcoasttram #glink #ridetheg #goldcoast #qld #queensland #translink
Gold Coast Light Rail: Stage 4 (Burleigh to Tugun) Fly-Through - | This is the proposed route for 'stage 4' of the Gold Coast Light Rail, which is still in its planning stages. Again, it's going to have so many economic and social benefits for the Gold Coast. when it's finally finished. | #GCLR #GoldCoastLightRail #GoldCoasttram #GLink #ridetheG #GoldCoast #QLD #Queensland #TransLink
#gclr #goldcoastlightrail #goldcoasttram #glink #ridetheg #goldcoast #qld #queensland #translink
Gold Coast Light Rail: Stage 3 Fly-Through - | This looks pretty awesome, and I can't wait for this to finished. It's going to have so many economic and social benefits for the Gold Coast. when it's finally finished. | #GCLR #GoldCoastLightRail #GoldCoasttram #GLink #ridetheG #GoldCoast #QLD #Queensland #TransLink
#gclr #goldcoastlightrail #goldcoasttram #glink #ridetheg #goldcoast #qld #queensland #translink
Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 4 Burleigh Heads to Coolangatta consultation | It’s an absolute crime that they’re not doing this as a part of ‘Stage 3’, when there are so many economic and social benefits to the light rail… You can explore the proposed route in 360°, and it’s amazing. | #GoldCoast #GCLR #GoldCoastLightRail #GLink #TransLink #QLD #Queensland
#goldcoast #gclr #goldcoastlightrail #glink #translink #qld #queensland
A very valid opinion piece written with regards to public transport in South-East Queensland, in regards to young people and fare evasion… | #QLD #Queensland #SouthEastQLD #SouthEastQueensland #SunshineCoast #GoldCoast #Brisbane #TransLink #Kinetic #Surfside
#qld #queensland #southeastqld #southeastqueensland #sunshinecoast #goldcoast #brisbane #translink #kinetic #surfside
Sunshine Coast Council evicts tiny home residents from private property, in the midst of a housing crisis - | Aside from the obvious lack of empathy and humanity, how is this even legal? They’re on private property with the landowner’s consent! This is unethical, and it absolutely should be illegal. Only in Australia would the council get away with this… 🙄 | #QLD #Queensland #SunshineCoast #housingcrisis #rentalcrisis #tinyhomes
#qld #queensland #sunshinecoast #housingcrisis #rentalcrisis #tinyhomes
Sunshine Coast Council evicts tiny home residents from private property, in the midst of a housing crisis - | Aside from the obvious lack of empathy and humanity, how is this even legal? They’re on private property with the landowner’s consent! This is unethical, and it absolutely should be illegal. Only in Australia would the council get away with this… 🙄 | #QLD #Queensland #SunshineCoast #housingcrisis #rentalcrisis #tinyhomes
#qld #queensland #sunshinecoast #housingcrisis #rentalcrisis #tinyhomes
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods #AusPods #Podcast #Podcasts #Podcasting #Australia #Society #Culture #Health #Wellness #PersonalStories #DownSyndrome #QLD
#greatauspods #auspods #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #australia #society #culture #health #wellness #personalstories #downsyndrome #qld
A question for QLDers and others - would you support the reinstatement of an upper house (senate; legislative council) in QLD?
This would a senate elected via proportional representation and modelled somewhat after the federal senate. Two small arguments, for and against:
For - Legislative Council could act as a check on the Assembly, and prevent the passing of controversial legislation/check the executive
Against - LC would have the power to block supply and bills entirely. If the opposition and ind's teamed up to block legislation, this may be seen as undemocratic by many.
Here's the latest variant picture for Queensland, Australia.
"Deltacron" XBC.* (26%) is now the leading variant in a messy soup. The sample volumes are low so this picture is a bit unclear.
CH.1.1.* "Orthrus" (30%), XBB.1.5.* "Kraken" (24%) and the new clan EG.5.* (7%) - broken out of the XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" variant - are all showing signs of growth.
I've broken out the sub-lineages for each of those growing variants. EG.5.1 looks the most aggressive, following it's success in China, Portugal, Japan etc.
The mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.
The sample volumes seem representative up to July 11.
#COVID19 #Australia #QLD #Brisbane #XBC #Deltacron #EG_5 @auscovid19
Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:
#COVID19 #australia #qld #brisbane #xbc #Deltacron #eg_5
Here's the latest variant picture for Western Australia.
"Deltacron" XBC.* (31%) and XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (31%) are the leading variants in a messy soup.
Among the individual lineages, there was recent growth in XBB.1.9.1 (12%) - a "Hyperion" sub-lineage.
The XBC.1.3 sub-lineage (14%) is the most common from that variant, vs XBC.1.6.* in South Australia.
The mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.
The sample volumes seem representative up to July 6.
#COVID19 #Australia #QLD #Brisbane #XBB_1_16 #Arcturus #XBB_1_9 #Hyperion #XBC #Deltacron @auscovid19
Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:
#COVID19 #australia #qld #brisbane #xbb_1_16 #arcturus #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbc #Deltacron
Bus rides will be #free throughout Gold Coast from Wednesday 19 July to Friday 21 July 2023 - | Also, please sign the petition to improve the #bus network for Gold Coasters! | #GoldCoast #QLD #Queensland #TWU #TransportWorkersUnion #Surfside #Kinetic
#free #bus #goldcoast #qld #queensland #twu #transportworkersunion #surfside #kinetic
The detailed daily case & test data for Queensland has been updated, up to July 3.
In the South East Queensland region, cases have begun rising in a few LGAs: Redland, Noosa and Lockyer Valley.
#COVID19 #australia #qld #brisbane
Here's the latest variant picture for Queensland, Australia.
It's difficult to interpret as sample volumes are very low and patchy. There's a lengthy gap where <10 samples were shared, between May 13 and May 24.
XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (24%) may have returned to dominance. It looks like the many sub-lineages including EG.* and FL.* are making a contribution
#COVID19 #QLD #Brisbane #XBB_1_16 #Arcturus #XBB_1_9 #Hyperion #XBB_1_5 #Kraken @auscovid19
Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:
#COVID19 #qld #brisbane #xbb_1_16 #arcturus #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_1_5 #kraken