QCAT member rules ‘Drag Queens’ are not a protected under Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act to justify dismissing complaint. https://qnews.com.au/qcat-dismisses-complaint-against-lyle-shelton/
#QldLaw #QldPol
Queensland, stop whinging about nothing.
The Sikh ceremonial Kirpan is not a problem.
#QldPol #QldLaw
Queensland's 'unsophisticated' hotel quarantine system left man without proper medical care, coroner finds - ABC News https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-12-11/qld-hotel-quarantine-suicide-coroner-annastacia-palaszczuk/101758708
#QldPol #QldLaw
Ladies and gentlemen,
We are on track for global warming of 2°C or higher.
Queensland is a major contributor of GHGs and procrastinator of decoupling the state finance and economy from GHG intensive industries.
The frequency and severity of natural disasters literally threaten lives, while peaceful protests only threaten the safety of the politician’s public image.
The financial stresses prompted by adaptation and mitigation demands of climate change literally threaten Queenslander’s ability to meet basic needs.
Warnings about the effects of climate change on Queensland have been warned and reinforced over the past 15-years.
… who can blame average Queenslanders for wanting to seek peaceful protest and legal action?
#QldPol #AusPol #QldLaw #ClimateCrisis
#qldpol #auspol #qldlaw #climatecrisis
The reasoning behind Queensland crackdowns on peaceful/non-violent protests makes politicians look like snowflakes.
Politicians ‘safety’ placed above the safety of all Queenslanders right to have a safe and stable climate; and right to publicly protest for it.
#QldPol #QldLaw #ClimateCrisis
#qldpol #qldlaw #climatecrisis
Queensland Police,
The roots of the problem are deep. From recruitment (Valuing brawn over brain and soul); to training and cultural awareness (tick box culture); to mentorship; to organisational structure (separation of duties); to technological controls(data privacy and monitoring); lack of shared mission and vision (philosophy); lack of respect for human rights (ethics over politics); and lack of respect for transparency and accountability (protectionism of police over public).
Until there is more publicly said about how Queensland Police will change, and reports published of the specific plans,
… everything that is said so far are akin to hollow promises that a repeat DVA offender says to their former partner(s).
Queensland Police as a collective have gaslighted and turned a blind eye to the problems for far to long for the public to take an apology on face value.
#QldPol #QldHov #QldLaw #QldPolice #PoliceAccountabilityProject
#qldpol #qldhov #qldlaw #Qldpolice #policeaccountabilityproject
A lot of rightful media attention on the toxic Queensland Police culture;
but very little attention on the political ‘We have confidence in Queensland Police’ culture that spans across decades of red and blue politics.
#QldPol #PoliceAccountability #MinisterialAccountability #Governance #QldLaw
#qldpol #policeaccountability #ministerialaccountability #governance #qldlaw