We never hear the neutral middle over here, eh? Interesting perspective from female "Chick on Wall Street" w/ a solid Asian_lang.mqe,
qmec #qmec
Captured from the <ntv_lang.mqe(#qmec)> notes : "author refused all payments from anyone affiliated with "honeymoon in Rome, Italy", "Royal Caribbean cruise Lines AKA ($RCL) -- this is black history month, colonization is not a joke or good fodder for a YouTube channel.
Capture contains quotations:
"This is not a test interface."
"You may not transcend into any vector of Utopia until all the sadist little boy progs die."
"If you want to teach your kids math or how to begin a formal or informal pursuit of counting... put down iPhone84 and facebook login,
put kiddo outside to count all invasive species, and show them how the ranchers greed made invasive species multiply."
" Life don't wanna hang around those whose success rate is determined early to be low. Must, musta' be that all those trust you give to Zuck murdered your sperm backwards and forward in mutual tragedy. "
"GBP is obviously "Great Britian Pound",
which IS WHY FACEBOOK WENT DOWN (on 10-04),
So who wants more? Where are the auditors to explain Zuck laundering money to avoid paying taxes on his hitmen in the RCMP profits? The more we learn about how he fried endangered native people for entertainment, the worse his stock becomes. And it really is stock. There is nothing native about Zuck or his wife.""
The Harvard Network === Facebook.
Facebook was founded to perpetuate StalinNet, a corrupt thing intentionally released by foreign agents to instill patriarchal and fascist ideologies all over indigenous lands
Things that worked in the past to demean and destroy strong women worked for awhile... work to harm anyone who has displayed distrust toward the evil Terrorist network.
FB is Instagram is the same BANK ACCOUNT making all TERRORIST VECTORS. There were 500 known terrorist vectors pooling their funds to perpetuate it when FB went public to be traded on NASDAQ
Goldman Sachs.
English lang $USD-making programs upon lands
Native videographers coerced into making party videos for Jewish billionaires on kkkanadian RCMP time.
He squashed you all into suffocating blocks
and traded your eyeballs for rocks he wants to throw
but the #qmec know
how messages really get thru
¨Only you can collapse the wave function and decide!¨
is some excellent story boarding. The #qmec probably merges with the universe somewhere there.
¨Whad´d you say whiteboy? ¨
¨Oh, Imma trigger you, alt right.
Imma trigger you so hardcore you gonna wanna be callin your mommy and makin apoloooo_gies.¨
Never stop celebrating toppling of monuments, statues of patriarchy, and its BFF colonialism.
Robert Gray, Harry Culver (attack vector includes his Minnesotan relatives), Stalin, Hitler, Zuckerberg, Custer, Cornwallis, Carleton, Coleson, etc are not indigenous to Turtle Island; did not ¨discover¨ nor ¨pioneer¨ anything
The #qmec documentation shows someone retrocausally reverted their Amnesty.
Expect more big changes coming soon.
The quickest way to shut down Arctic death spiral? [1] Drain the megacaps [2].
Obvious pattern is: spiral goes concentrically smaller as the corporate behemoths grow larger market caps. Whitemanz greed never shrinks, it seems... just grows. A handful of the smartest people in the world working at the biggest megacorps do not ¨get it¨ either!
:solidarity: @emsenn for ´eir post[3] related to this topic.
1: https://www.arcticdeathspiral.org
2: https://github.com/indie/qmec/tree/master/malicious_inflated_caps.mqe
in ᕈᕆᖢᕆᙱᕆ:
¨Mostly what it boils down to is that the corrupt preachers and reverends need to convince people in their God so they can get out of legal liability; they write clauses like "acts of God" to benefit insurance companies underwriting monarchy or oligarchy investments making drama about fighting with each other over assets not theirs. Recipes from 1589 and 1611 have not changed, still bad.¨
¨Mobster accountants run with OTI financeers.¨
Joy comes from knowing u identify big colonial influencer node, jot comment, help all good kitty friends DEFOCUS from crazy ppl, ESCAPE, get stronger and finally ¨DEORBIT forever¨ from the abusive, exploitive Hollywood delusion!
Early Walt Disney empire dragged kitties thru RCT movies for big money and audience reaction. Do not view _That Darn Cat_ ~1965. Privileged wannabeland barons in a Sundown City[2] on #Chumash lands.
Colonizer social media
is not your friend.
¨These main street stores
here are the beginnings of
what the colonists will
turn into ´big market caps´¨
the Natives say to the
¨Whitemen with narrow view
tryin´ corral, march, follow, exploit us ... making
gold off our suffering!¨ he
¨He gonna be doing the same
thing 100, 200 years from
now, even when film gets
color or disappears entirely.
BEWARE the little blue f! ¨
To save the ice caps, we gotta drain the megacaps.
Humanity needs to learn to RECYCLE before mining the mountains for new materials. ♻️
some of the_ekkh´o
¨"Yes, we are absolutely certain there no scenarios where indie´s mother´s Earth would accommodate an egomaniac like Zuckerberg! Last year he try burn down Oregon to get more water? Was documented in ¨{{NOT_RCT}}¨ and more than 600 years ago the whitemanz galaxy deorbited from living Earth; each aggression accelerated the rate his sickness led to his own death.¨
We remind the settler-colonial Eurasian doves that the cooption of sound waves makes more collar damages. People remembering their native language have priority. Maybe if u want to speak English, go to England and speak it? The clocks over there also will recommend alternative languages before arguing in English.
A neural network ¨discovered¨ the heliotropic model of the galaxy, all on its own.
Cool right? Or is it? Where is the human factor?
No matter how ¨intelligent¨ the NN is at modeling, words are still needed to describe what is happening with the numbers. Like, so u do not get trapped on a burning quantum planet!
If you find yourself on one of those burning quantum planets, prob is because u pissed of a writer. Find out how to pay one today!
Does the ratrace have u down?
Are you a slave to RCT?
You might be ready to start looking into decolonization. Required for all quantum compute:
¨You are not a slave
to ur landlord.
You are ”not enslaved” to landlords.
Terrible programs, they are.
Do not be lulled into slavery for landlords.
Be not dulled by the rent-demanders´ dead suits; mixit up different ways, still same thing: dead mormons with too much money and all its weight. No accurate stories there.¨
Fascistbook holds bases of AirBnBs === traps (trapdoor spider murderlords landlords) snatch and catch all the gens of conspirators cycling thru bleakness.¨ #qmec
We´d like 1655 to know: do not trust the Jesuits.