If you missed our recent #QNS #Colloquium with Prof. Wilson Ho from #UCIrvine it is now up on our #YouTube channel! Learn about his work on "A Qubit-Based Quantum Microscope for Space-Time Sensing" here:
See you at the next #QNSColloquium!
#qns #colloquium #UCIrvine #youtube #qnscolloquium
If you missed our #QNSColloquium with Prof. Alec Wodtke from @maxplanckgesellschaft and #uniGoettingen earlier this month, it is now up on our #YouTube channel!
Watch now:
#QNS #ScienceColloquium #QuantumNanoscience #ScienceTalk #ScienceLecture #QuantumResearch
#qnscolloquium #unigoettingen #youtube #qns #sciencecolloquium #quantumnanoscience #ScienceTalk #sciencelecture #quantumresearch
Don’t miss this talk by Alec Wodtke from #uniGoettingen
and @maxplanckgesellschaft this Friday August 11th happening right here at QNS!
Registration required:
You missed the last colloquium with Nicolás Lorente from Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC-EHU)/Donostia International Physics Centre (DIPC)?
He talked about the Kondo effect as revealed by STM measurements.
Watch it now on YouTube:
#qnscolloquium #quantum #theory #physics
We invite you to QNS Colloquium!
In this talk, Nicolas Lorente from @CFMdonostia will present "The Kondo effect as revealed by STM measurements."
Please register in advance: https://qns.science/colloquium/
#colloquium #quantum #quantumscience #nanoscience #kondoeffect #stm
#qnscolloquium #colloquium #quantum #quantumscience #nanoscience #kondoeffect #stm