Qo‘qon, Uzbekistan: NAVOIY BURGER | Rating: 5 #pizza #qo‘qon https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=40.55477089999999%2C70.96532540000001&query_place_id=ChIJZUYzJUvvujgR4n1WeYf-a5M
Minimal Mods Make Commodity LNBs Work for QO-100 Reception - A word of advice: If you see an old direct satellite TV dish put out to the curb, ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/04/minimal-mods-make-commodity-lnbs-work-for-qo-100-reception/ #low-noiseblockdownconverter #localoscillator #radiohacks #satellite #eshail-2 #qo-100 #lnb #sdr
#sdr #lnb #qo #eshail #satellite #radiohacks #localoscillator #low
Qo‘qon, Uzbekistan: Kebab Food | Rating: 5 #pizza #qo‘qon https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=40.5476375%2C70.9578906&query_place_id=ChIJl-Ch5nvvujgRKAawLeNEOjs
Yes! The courier delivered the SG-Lab.com 20W PA and now the #QO-100 transmit train is complete. Adalm Pluto, 6dB attenuator based on advice of Hristiyan (as Pluto can spike way above 7dBm on transmit port on power up), AD CN-0417, 20W 2.4GHz PA, LMR-240 coax, ice-cone feed. Must.resist.installing feed-through caps for SWR measurements in amp right away…
Qo‘qon, Uzbekistan: Malina choy | Rating: 5 #pizza #qo‘qon https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=40.5489492%2C70.9229399&query_place_id=ChIJ_c6u-xPvujgRWqVXFLn1kb0
Low-Cost RF Power Sensor Gets All the Details Right - Dirty little secret time: although amateur radio operators talk a good game about ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/25/low-cost-rf-power-sensor-gets-all-the-details-right/ #amateurradio #powersensor #radiohacks #wattmeter #homebrew #schottky #qo-100 #ham #rf
#rf #ham #qo #schottky #homebrew #wattmeter #radiohacks #powersensor #amateurradio
Low-Cost RF Power Sensor Gets All the Details Right https://hackaday.com/2023/04/25/low-cost-rf-power-sensor-gets-all-the-details-right/ #amateurradio #powersensor #RadioHacks #wattmeter #homebrew #schottky #QO-100 #ham #RF
#amateurradio #powersensor #RadioHacks #wattmeter #homebrew #schottky #qo #ham #rf
#QO-100 feed slowly coming together. bullseye LNB for the receive bit, IceCone feed for the transmit bit. I changed my mind and am going to use the 25MHz TCXO output of the bullseye as reference clock for the Adalm Pluto. It needs a cheap 30dB LNA as the bullseye output is only -35dBm.
About to start today’s project of upgrading an Adalm Pluto with an EPSON OXCO with 500ppb stability. Upon opening of the Pluto I discover I have a ref C with external clock in and now I’m not so sure anymore whether to replace the existing crystal or hook up a #BG7TBL GNNSDO. #QO-100
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Great presentation by Mikio-san JA3GEP about #QO-100 at the #JAMSAT monthly meetup today. Berni DJ5MN spoke in appreciation for the highly successful activation of Christmas Island.
Talk about edge of coverage - very interesting expedition! More details and photos will undoubtedly be in an upcoming Jamsat Journal.
Just to show the possibities making contacts using #QO-100 with a 60cm dish from JO32am.