Good to be back on QO-100, I had missed working via satellite and enjoyed finishing off the basic station build. My 3D printer has been churning out the prints all weekend, so now I have a new cabinet base with cut-outs for cooling and cable access, and will hopefully keep the weather and wildlife out.
Two new countries too, Iceland and Albania for the Sat log both on SSB. FT8 was quiet until Cape Verde appeared ! and I did manage an SSTV QSO into Germany !
So that's all working so far, and I am now on-air through QO-100 once again. 6m has kept me busy over the summer, but UK has not had amazing condx. Now the Sp.E is drifting away, more time for QO-100.
Next up, finish some 3D printing for the enclosure and then print/build a rain cover for the POTY.
Powered up the QO-100 station, and so far it's receiving fine. Will have an afternoon of peaking the dish on 25.9E, then hopefully press the TX button in SDR Console later this evening if all goes well in testing !
I've already re-tested the POTY on the NanoVNA and that's looking good, LNB also functioning well.
Once that's all up and running, then I can concentrate on the dedicated Sat PC, and get the software all configured, until I find something else to change !
I upgraded my original DX Patrol Full Duplex Groundstation, replacing the panels and adding a fan.
Bin selber nicht dabei, aber heute findet am #Seilbahnberg in #Lengede ein #Fieldday statt. So ab 12:00 geht der Betrieb los. Auf Kurzwelle genauso wie im Satellitenfunk über #qo100.
Dabei wird auch unser Sonderrufzeichen #DR60WUNDER in die Luft gebracht.
Besucher sind herzlich willkommen!
#amateurradio #amateurfunk #hamradio
#hamradio #amateurfunk #amateurradio #dr60wunder #qo100 #fieldday #Lengede #seilbahnberg
Heute wurde mein neuer Artikel im EFA Magazin veröffentlicht
#hamradio #amateurradio #amateurfunk #satellite #qo100
#qo100 #hamradio #amateurradio #amateurfunk #satellite
Gardening work completed, now lunchtime and then some radio related tasks to follow ...
Get the 6m Yagi out of storage and onto the summer mast (a bit late for the start of E season), Cut the ply board backing for the QO-100 outdoor cabinet and make up some new Co-ax cable runs back to the shack.
An evening of SSB on QO-100 marks 300 QSO's in my log. Mix of SSB, FT4/8, and SSTV.
Really enjoying something different than HF, and great to have somewhere to go when the Solar storms make HF quiet !
As with all my projects, I took far too long to put everything together, but I got there ! Now to make the cable for CW on QO-100, to add my Begali paddle to SDR Console.
300 QSO, 45 DXCC, 156 VUCC.
Trying some SSTV on QO-100 tonight but no replies. Have had a few SSTV exchanges on the sat, but really want to do some PSK31 on there, but I've never seen any !
Leo Bodnar GPSDO and Rev D Pluto installed, and seems to be working fine. Some further SDR Console tweaks, but I'm happy with the FT8 and voice QSO's this afternoon have tested it.
Next, boxing up and final cabling...
Got a bargain BNIB Outdoor steel enclosure with DIN rail, to mount the QO-100 station with extra space to put my WX Sat Pluto receiver in there too.
Now, do I get PETG or ASA filament for the outdoor 3D prints ? Any advice ?
I've been having fun with QO-100 since I got my kit finally wired up and configured. Still need to add the GPSDO, but for digital modes once the Pluto has settled down it is manageable. SSB QSO's not so much, but will get it sorted soon.
POTY seems to be working well, but may look at an ice cream cone feed. I need to do some final 3d prints for the POTY/Bullseye mount, probably ought to re-print them in PETG than in PLA as summer is coming !
162 QSO, 36 DXCC, 102 Grids.
#qo100 project update: installed 3 feed through capacitors to the 20W PA connected to DRV, REF and FWD. I am working on a ESP32 based remote monitor to display the output power, temperature, SWR etc. from the PA and will grab the necessary voltages from those newly installed pins.
@jj1bdx Yes, I know what you mean. The OP is very experienced, worked him already in other entities. It is always the EU Zoo at its best. One reason I am now on #qo100. Yesterday for example I had a 20 minute QSO (maybe even longer) with a station from Guernsey on the SAT. This would be unthinkable on HF.
Been a bit of an extra-terrestrial day in the shack. Finally got time to set-up the Kenwood TM-D700 for ISS APRS and got a packet through the digipeater.
Did some more set-up on the QO-100 station, for the outdoor box, but not much more to do until the GPSDO and Pluto Rev.D arrive. The drift is sometimes too much to dial out. USB issues with the Rev.B also don't help either.
Finally, posted a message using 300 baud Packet into EI2GYB mailbox node on QO-100.
120cm dish for #QO100 installed on top of the garage next to the house and greenhouse. Not sure if the heat pump inverter will cause interference, we’ll find out soon I suppose. Probably overdid it with a 120cm dish as I hear it’s more difficult to align but I guess SSTV is now within the realm of possibilities. Awaiting delivery of the SG-lab 20W 2.4GHz PA but I can already start testing the receive chain.
GPSDO ordered, but trying to get Mouser to confirm they will send a Rev.D Pluto seems impossible. Guess I have to order and return it if they send me an old-stock Rev.B.