In #qpac to watch #DylanMoran (pronounced Morren not Moh-ran apparently). It's very purple.
Saw @alyankovic last night. It has been 11 years since his last Brisbane gig. Our seats were amazing and his set of "all the unpopular songs and b-sides" was a delight. #weirdalyankovic #livegig #qpac #brisbane #TheUnfortunateReturnOfTheRidiculouslySelfIndulgentIllAdvisedVanityTour
#livegig #weirdalyankovic #qpac #brisbane #TheUnfortunateReturnOfTheRidiculouslySelfIndulgentIllAdvisedVanityTour
For any writers based around the Home Counties - North Bucks/MK/Oxon/Herts.
Drop in meetings for writers. Dario at Unbound has written plays for theatre and audio and is a thoroughly lovely chap.
#writing #scripts #plays #audio #comedy #writers #sketches #drama #theatre #playwriting #QPAC #UnboundTheatre #Aylesbury #arts #storytelling #Buckinghamshire #Oxon #MiltonKeynes #Herts
#writing #scripts #plays #audio #comedy #writers #sketches #drama #theatre #playwriting #qpac #unboundtheatre #aylesbury #arts #storytelling #buckinghamshire #oxon #miltonkeynes #herts
Walked a few miles around southbank today while Narelle and Chelsea went to see Mary Poppins at QPAC