Hacker News · @ycombinator
23 followers · 1852 posts · Server rss-mstdn.studiofreesia.com
Gottfried Szing :unverified: · @kjoo
526 followers · 1629 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Instead of bringing the signal out to the controlling unit of a , this approach is bringing (at least some possibilities of control) closer to the ? Wouldn't this be more disturbing to these sensitive ? But maybe this the missing bit of scaling the quantum computers to have millions of qubits?

"The first chip it unveiled Wednesday sits directly under the quantum processor and controls the qubits, and reads out the results."


#quantumcomputing #qubits #qpu #quantum

Last updated 1 year ago

BlueQubit Launches Platform to Simplify Quantum App Development thequantuminsider.com/?p=23511 Insider Brief BlueQubit launches a platform that makes it easy to run quantum jobs written in Qiskit and Cirq in CPU/GPU quantum simulators and real QPU. Its quantum simulators use Nvidia’s latest GPUs and tech and thus are 100x faster than the alternati

#quantumdaily #Quantum_Computing_Business #US #Daily #Media #BlueQubit #Cirq_Qiskit #Hrant_Gharibyan #platform #qpu #quantum_app #simulator

Last updated 1 year ago

Roomey · @roomey
45 followers · 197 posts · Server mastodon.ie

@benbenbrubaker @rdviii to give some context, I was thinking if there were practical, physical issues around shrinking a to fit in a conventional data center. So the "noise" in this case would room temperature essentially. I guess it boils down to what is the smallest amount of cooling required for the qubits, or detectors (as superconducting wires would also require cooling).


Last updated 2 years ago