RT @YPJ_volunteers
❌ Today at 10am, #Turkey was attacking again our forces in #TilHemis with a dronestrike. 2 #QSD that were protecting the #ISIS Camp #AlHol became martyrs.
Only 6 months ago Turkey was bombing near the camp, 8 of our fighters felt #Şehîd and ISIS families escaped.
#turkey #tilhemis #qsd #isis #alhol #sehid #stoperdogan
❌ Today at 10am, #Turkey was attacking again our forces in #TilHemis with a dronestrike. 2 #QSD that were protecting the #ISIS Camp #AlHol became martyrs.
Only 6 months ago Turkey was bombing near the camp, 8 of our fighters felt #Şehîd and ISIS families escaped.
#turkey #tilhemis #qsd #isis #AlHol #Sehid #stoperdogan
➡️ Today #Turkey arranged themselves a meeting with #Syria, #Russia, & #Iran held in Moscow
➡️ #Erdogan wants Russia to help make mediation between Ankara & Damascus to further his plans for aggressions against the #AANES & #QSD
➡️ Before the meeting Turkish Foreign Minister Çavuşoglu insisted on the occupation of #Syria & #Iraq
➡️ For #Erdogan to win the elections of May 14 he may encourage a new plan of attack, leading to new aggressions & plots against North & East #Syria
#turkey #syria #russia #Iran #erdogan #AANES #qsd #iraq
Ergänzend zu unserem Tweet vom Freitag lässt sich folgende heutige Meldung der #QSD festhalten. 40 weitere mutmaßliche IS-Verdächtige sind im Rahmen der Anti-Terror-Operation Operation festgenommen worden.
#Kurden #Kurdistan #Rojava #ANF Das Medienzentrum der Demokratischen Kräfte #Syrien (#QSD) hat einen Jahresbericht über die Angriffe der #Türkei und der Terrormiliz „Islamischer Staat“ (#IS, #Daesh) in der Autonomieregion Nord- und Ostsyrien veröffentlicht. Der ausführliche Bericht enthält Statistiken über die Art der Angriffe, die einsetzten Waffengattungen und die Folgen. https://anfdeutsch.com/rojava-syrien/qsd-2022-war-ein-blutiges-jahr-35643
#Kurden #kurdistan #rojava #anf #Syrien #qsd #turkei #IS #Daesh
RT @SarkarKurdista1@twitter.com
نفذت قوات #سوريا الديمقراطية وقوات #التحالف 7 عمليات مشتركة في #ديرالزور و #الحسكة خلال الأسبوعين الماضيين أسفرت عن اعتقال 9 ارهابيين من #داعش...تتواصل الجهود المشتركة لضرب الخلايا الإرهابية وتعزيز الاستقرار وحماية المدنيين
#QSD #YAT #HAT #Rojava #Hesekê #DAIŞ
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SarkarKurdista1/status/1605973436186214402
#سوريا #التحالف #ديرالزور #الحسكة #داعش #qsd #yat #hat #Rojava #heseke #dais
We are sad and angry to hear that comrade Sosin was martyred by a Turkish drone strike in Til Temir yesterday. She was a good friend to all of us.
#TwitterKurds #Kurdistan #Rojava #YPG #YPJ #QSD
Via @VLCambKurdistan@twitter.com
#twitterkurds #kurdistan #rojava #ypg #ypj #qsd
Nombreux sont les camarades qui ont rejoint les combattants et combattantes des forces du #Rojava contre l'état islamique, certains au prix de leur vie.
RT @YpgInt@twitter.com
He was and still is a #HERO! Defending the people of #Rojava and the whole humanity against ISIS he gave his life. Today six years ago on 02.03.2015 our comrade Kemal (Konstandinos Erik Scurfield) became a martyr.
#TwitterKurds #Kurdistan #YPG #YPJ #QSD
#rojava #restinpower #hero #twitterkurds #kurdistan #ypg #ypj #qsd
RT @YpgInt@twitter.com
He was and still is a #HERO! Defending the people of #Rojava and the whole humanity against ISIS he gave his life. Today six years ago on 02.03.2015 our comrade Kemal (Konstandinos Erik Scurfield) became a martyr.
#TwitterKurds #Kurdistan #YPG #YPJ #QSD
#hero #rojava #twitterkurds #kurdistan #ypg #ypj #qsd
Unser Video
Nick Brauns: #QSD verteidigt #Rojava gegen türkische Armee und ihre dschihadistischen Söldner
Krieg niedriger Intensität. Fehler auf großen Angriff zu warten. Widerstand und Solidarität muss permanent sein!
#RiseUp4Rojava @riseup4rojava@anarchism.space @riseup4rojava@sunbeam.city
To public opinion http://sdf-press.com/en/2019/01/to-public-opinion-5/ #statement #manshet #news #ISIS #QSD #SDF
#statement #manshet #news #isis #qsd #sdf