Extremely grateful for community sharing and love, especially within the #QTBIPOC community. Bonded over a shared admiration and gratitude for #PauliMurray and #GloriaAnzaldúa today, was given a gift I will treasure forever, and felt so much genuine support and love. I’m ending this week with a heart full of #gratitude for my comrades, for both those who have come before and those presently with us in the struggle. I was blessed today. My cup feels full. 🌱🖤
#qtbipoc #paulimurray #gloriaanzaldua #gratitude
QTBIPOC Cafe in BumZen
We're once again inviting all cuties (qtbipocs/racialised queer and trans people) to come back for another cozy café evening! 😘Come and enjoy games, read books, get something from our free shop, chat and laugh or whatever comes to mind. 💓💓
And again; come as you are - also if you're figuring out who that might be💋
Event: https://dukop.dk/5176/
@inherentlee hiii also looking for #qtbipoc #qtpoc community on here!! if u find it pls lmk, asking for me