Just reread this #safing #spn blog entry: https://safing.io/blog/2022/09/06/spn-vs-vpns/
I've been using SPN pretty much exclusively for two months now and my only regret is that I did not start earlier. Using #Quad9 as my DNS server, blocking big tech, watching telemetry pings thanks to #Portmaster ...simply cannot recommend this enough.
#Safing #spn #quad9 #Portmaster
Para quem gosta de usar #DNS global recursivo como por exemplo ou, #recomendo simplesmente alterar para, operado por fundação suíça sem fins lucrativos, e já impede domínios maliciosos. A latência aqui dá praticamente na mesma. Com #IPv6, é melhor ainda: 2620:fe::fe
Também suporta protocolos seguros DNS-over-HTTPS ou TLS, muito importantes para evitar que a rede veja tudo que está resolvendo, e outras opções.
#dns #recomendo #ipv6 #bigtech #privacidade #quad9
@jackyan Here's what I use:
OS: @manjarolinux
Tablet: #degooled #huawei mediapad t3 10
Mobile: #fairphone #degoogled on #eos by https://e.foundation/get-started/
email: @Vivaldi #swisscows @murena
Search: #swisscows @Mojeek
VPN: @protonvpn
firewall: #portmaster
and this to debloat/google my tablet: https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater
PlayStation DNS [I'm a gamer]: #quad9 https://www.quad9.net/support/set-up-guides/setup-playstation-4-ps4/
Browser: @Vivaldi
#degooled #huawei #fairphone #degoogled #eos #swisscows #portmaster #quad9
On the off chance that you are in the same boat, my internet went down, and I learned through debugging that #quad9 's certificate for their DNS-over-HTTPS has expired (I use them through my #pihole .)
Attempting to connect to in a browser yields the "expired certificate" error as well.
I have submitted a "support ticket" to them, but I highly doubt I'm the only one.
@jppelt @chris @safing I’ve had many internet issues at home and while testing my line (when pinging a host name of course), was anxious that the DNS server would be the issue.
Do you consider #quad9 as reliable enough? Do they support #DoT ? Enough different IPs for resilience?
By the way, I’m currently using the DNS provided by Mullvad (for when I don’t use their VPN) and I’m quite happy with it too
Looking for some #dns insights.
What are some of the best DNS services out there? #quad9 looks good. I'm really interested in #foundationforappliedprivacy (FFAP) Does anyone have any experience with FFAP?
#dns #quad9 #foundationforappliedprivacy #privacy
TorrentFreak: Pirate Site Not Impressed by Global DNS Blocking Order https://torrentfreak.com/pirate-site-not-impressed-by-global-dns-blocking-order-230803/ #SiteBlocking #Anti-Piracy #cannapower #canna.to #canna #quad9
#siteblocking #anti #cannapower #canna #quad9
TorrentFreak: Pirate Site Not Impressed by Global DNS Blocking Order https://torrentfreak.com/pirate-site-not-impressed-by-global-dns-blocking-order-230803/ #SiteBlocking #Anti-Piracy #cannapower #canna.to #canna #quad9
#siteblocking #anti #cannapower #canna #quad9
Quad9 Blocks Pirate Site Globally After Sony Demanded €10,000 Fine * TorrentFreak
Following another setback in its legal dispute with Sony Music, #Quad9 has decided to block pirate site Canna worldwide. The court-ordered block was initially restricted to Germany but the music label complained that VPNs and a mobile network still allowed Germans to access the pirate site. Quad9, meanwhile, has appealed the underlying court judgment.
#quad9 #netneutrality #neutralitedunet
📬 CannaPower im Interview: „Diese Hurensöhne werden uns nie unterkriegen!“
#Interviews #Warez #CannaPower #Exklusivinterview #Quad9 #Rechtsstreit #SonyMusic #TheQueenofMusicWarez #WarezSeite https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/interviews/cannapower-im-interview-diese-hurensoehne-werden-uns-nie-unterkriegen-278954.html
#interviews #warez #cannapower #exklusivinterview #quad9 #rechtsstreit #sonymusic #TheQueenofMusicWarez #warezseite
@karlaustin @neil personally, I would've expected #Quad9 to reject that harsher and get up on their feet...
@neil yeah, I had to yeet #Quad9 from my list because of that.
The bullshittery and unconstitutionalness of such actions [interfering with DNS] should be subject to consequences...
Sony-Urteil: Schweizer DNS-Resolver muss Domain weltweit sperren https://www.inside-it.ch/sony-urteil-schweizer-dns-revolver-muss-domain-weltweit-sperren-20230726 #Quad9
Neues vom Kampf ums offene Internet:
Das Landgericht Hamburg hat dem DNS-Resolver Quad9 im Streit mit Sony Music ein Ordnungsgeld von 10.000 Euro angedroht
#DNSResolver #Quad9 #Sony #LandgerichtHamburg #Urheberrecht #Störerhaftung
#storerhaftung #Urheberrecht #landgerichthamburg #sony #quad9 #dnsresolver
@heiseonline Ich kann ganz normal auf die Seite zugreifen. Woran das wohl liegen mag? Ach ja, ich benutze überhaupt nicht den DNS von #Quad9, LOL. iCloud Private Relay sei dank. :awesome:
Das LG Hamburg ist ein Gericht der Nichtschecker.
Boah ich krieg' jedes Mal Hass wenn ich von diesem Fall lese
#SonyMusic ist sowas von verlogen, gegen #Quad9 vorzugehen. Wo zum Fick sind die Klagen gegen jeden großen Internetanbieter, die alle DNS betreiben? Telekom? Vodafone? Die machen alle dasselbe wie Quad9, die sind alle Täter laut Gerichtsentscheidung.
Aber nein, solche Fälle könnten ja eskalieren und vor einem kompetenten Gericht landen! Also schön einen Bullshit-Präzedenzfall schaffen.
Der Streit zwischen #SonyMusic und #Quad9 als nicht-kommerzieller Anbieter eines #DNS-Resolvers um den Zugriff auf canna.to geht in die nächste Runde: Die Webseite wurde global gesperrt.
Basis der Sperrung ist ein nicht nur nach Meinung von Quad9 rechtsfehlerhaftes Urteil des LG Leipzig, das Quad9 nicht zum Mitstörer, sondern gleich zum Täter erklärt. Wegen einer drohenden Geldbuße musste Quad9 nun eine globale Sperre einrichten, nicht nur in DE. Der Fall geht vors OLG.
📬 canna.to: Quad9 und Sony Music sperren Piraterie Seite weltweit
#Filesharing #Rechtssachen #cannapower #cannato #CannaPower #Evanescence #Quad9 #SonyMusic #TheBitterTruth #TheQueenofMusicWarez https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/rechtssachen/canna-to-quad9-und-sony-music-sperren-piraterie-seite-weltweit-278916.html
#filesharing #Rechtssachen #cannapower #cannato #evanescence #quad9 #sonymusic #thebittertruth #TheQueenofMusicWarez
Urlaubslocation direkt sympathisch. Offenes(!) WLAN und #Quad9 als Standard DNS Resolver.