A woman was rescued from the collapsed building in #Davenport Iowa after the Mayor and Fire Chief said nobody was left inside and ordered demolition to begin. 👉 https://www.ourquadcities.com/news/local-news/mayor-5-unaccounted-for-2-likely-in-rubble-of-collapsed-davenport-apartment-building/amp/
#QuadCities is also where the #WaffleHouseShooter in #Nashville was given BACK his guns despite numerous #RedFlags. 🤔
#davenport #quadcities #wafflehouseshooter #nashville #redflags
Flooding along the Mississippi River in my hometown of Davenport, Iowa.
#flooding #quadcities #mississippiriver #davenport
#flooding #quadcities #mississippiriver #davenport
Hello from stormville. Been nasty around here this evening; I've heard some pretty serious hail hitting the place in the past hour or so. My phone has been blowing up like crazy since about 3 PM with warning alerts, but things didn't seriously pick up until about 5:30 Central. We ended up taking shelter in the hallway for a bit, but things settled down fairly quickly--for now anyway. #Davenport #QuadCities #StormWatch
#Davenport #quadcities #Stormwatch
4- Another hobby or passion
I really enjoy the outdoors. I was lucky enough to have 2 uncles and a grandfather to take me outside, camp, fish and just enjoy the outdoors. The world lost all 3 of them in 2022. I can never thank them enough for what they gave me in their lifetimes. #clondon52 #clondon52_01 #dronelife #nature #droneoftheday #photography #drone #quadcities #iowa
#iowa #quadcities #drone #photography #droneoftheday #nature #dronelife #clondon52_01 #clondon52
Goals for 2023 #clondon52 . I have 2. My first goal of 2023 is to just shoot. I drive by this structure every single day I go to work and have said multiple times that it would be cool to shoot but never did. I'm going to take the time to just get it done. My second goal is to be more creative with my edits. I want to explore more of that with my photos than just standard sun shiny days. #illinois #drone #aerialphotography #droneoftheday #photography #quadcities #clondon52_01
#clondon52_01 #quadcities #photography #droneoftheday #aerialphotography #drone #illinois #clondon52
@bentbiker I was born there and lived in the #QuadCities until the late '80's. I don't know if they still allow it, but you used to be able to bike on the RI Arsenal. It used to be a nice place to ride. A stop at the Confederate cemetery is worth the time. Most of the graves are for young kids. Brings tears to our eyes.
Went on a couple #bike rides around the #QuadCities this past weekend. They have a great trail system on both the #Illinois & #Iowa sides of the #Mississippi (#Bettendorf #Davenport #RockIsland #Moline) I also visited several good #brewpubs, #RadicalEffect #Wake #Rebels&Lions #AdventurousBrewing #MidwestAleWorks #CrawfordBrewWorks
#bike #quadcities #illinois #iowa #mississippi #bettendorf #davenport #rockisland #moline #brewpubs #radicaleffect #wake #rebels #adventurousbrewing #midwestaleworks #crawfordbrewworks