Spent a little more time cleaning the last few caps off of the Macintosh Quadra 610 motherboard today.
Went pretty well, on the second to last cap I did end up lifting part of the pad but some of it is still stuck down so as long as I'm careful when putting the replacements on it'll be fine.
I also touched up some of the legs on the RC6 IC. After inspecting the board where I already removed caps I noticed the solder joints looked bad. They still look bad but I think are actually connected now.
#Quadra #Quadra610 #OldMacs #Macintosh #RetroComputing #OldComputers
#oldcomputers #retrocomputing #macintosh #oldmacs #quadra610 #quadra
Well. A little more work on the old Macintosh Quadra 610 motherboard today. And I finally took on the busted cap that looked the worst now that I have gotten the hang of cleaning them off.
Good news is the cap came off easily.
Bad news is the nearby U46 IC (which had electrolytic gunk on it is toast. Some of the legs are eaten away and some of the pads lifted up when I was desoldering it. The pads started shifting around before I even tried lifting the IC which was surprising. I think those pads may be unused? I don't see any traces going to them. Maybe I got lucky.
So now I've cleaned 6 of 10 bad caps and the one (I hope) bad IC from the board. I think this part is still in production so I should be able to replace it without trouble.
#retrocomputing #oldmacs #quadra610 #quadra