EU Food Safety - #EUFarm2Fork · @Food_EU
121 followers · 1020 posts · Server

RT Animals EFSA
Re @EFSA_EU staff @marika_vitali presented today opinion at the 13th meeting of the platform on the of , , and .


#EFSA #EU #welfare #ducks #geese #quails #EU4AnimalWelfare

Last updated 1 year ago

jods :ms_battery_low: · @shriker
138 followers · 353 posts · Server

Happy Sunday from the

#quails #wugs #eggs

Last updated 2 years ago

Jennifer Ebeling · @GardenerPodcast
523 followers · 446 posts · Server

17, 1770
Ludwig Van Beethoven, & , is .

Beethoven loved . His 6th is subtitled .
Each reflects a in the .
He that he wanted the to have an on the .

He once told a friend,

"[This is where] I composed the by the .
[ to the ], The up there -
and the , & - composed with me."

#December #otd #German #composer #pianist #baptized #nature #symphony #pastoral #movement #day #country #wrote #music #effect #soul #scene #brook #pointing #trees #yellowhammers #quails #NIghtingales #cuckoos

Last updated 2 years ago

Peace Covey · @PeaceCovey
9 followers · 67 posts · Server

Quail report today.

When i entered covy 2s habitat today, the 6 girls that are in that covey gathered around my boots and whistled at me. It was a piping, high pitched "wheee" . They were repeating it as they milled around looking for the food i bring them.

It is a new sound they are making. They usually say nothing or make sounds that are a quiet "huh?" Or an alarmed sounding croak "e-chee, e‐chee" . The e-chee is a common couternix quail (domestic) call. Usually made when they are alarmed. Norda, from covy1 makes it too.

Norda is a lone older quail who lives in a cage that sits on top of a box house in the center of covey2's habitat. Norda and the ladies of covy2 can see and hear one another.

She has been peeping down at them since i moved her from her former covey's now empty habitat last week. Her old covey mates passed from old age over the fall. She is the last.

Anyway, Norda went "wheeee" as well. It seems they are making new common sounds together.

Very curious. I checked all around the habitat for signs of intruders, in case they were warning each other. (Quail do that). There were none, and they weren't acting distressed at all.

Gilda, the boy, is sequestered (because the girls beat him up) in yet another condo-within the habitat, above the floor on stilts

He didn't make the sound. He randomly crows comically but wasn't acting any differently than usual male-quail silliness.

Don't know what it is, or means but was charmed listening to them. I might try putting norda on the floor to see if they are trying to unite with her. I'll have to hang out with them though. She's fragile.

Thanks for reading all the way down here! I toot about my quail because they are interesting, soothing and i like to share. I'm hoping other quail farmers reach out as well

Peace to you

#UrbanFarming #quail #quails

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Rodrigues · @anarodrigues
330 followers · 121 posts · Server

Two positions on the of bobwhite

Seeking two PhD students to investigate the effects of extreme events and pressure on Bobwhite Quail populations in Oklahoma .



#job #academia #phd #population #ecology #quails #weather #hunting #usa #birds #conservation

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Rodrigues · @anarodrigues
275 followers · 108 posts · Server

Two positions on the of bobwhite

Seeking two PhD students to investigate the effects of extreme events and pressure on Bobwhite Quail populations in Oklahoma .



#joboffer #phd #population #ecology #quails #weather #hunting #usa #birds #conservation

Last updated 2 years ago