Let USGS know if you felt the earthquake in your location. #earthquake #quakesf #EarthquakeMastodon #quakestodon https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/nc73819746/tellus
#earthquake #quakesf #earthquakemastodon #quakestodon
@MBridegam @sanfrancisco @sfchronicle so far there’s too long a delay between tag and post. I think for earthquake speed will need to stick with hashtags (and pending various server capacities, that will not be anywhere near as instantaneous as twitter by a long shot) hashtags like #EarthquakeSF primarily #EarthquakeMastodon #QuakeSF #EarthquakeBayArea and even #EarthquakeTwitter for now
#earthquakesf #earthquakemastodon #quakesf #EarthquakeBayArea #earthquaketwitter