All bags and suitcases for #FolsomEurope are ready. Thanks to my boy @Reemt we don't need to worry about canceled or heavily delayed trains from #DeutscheBahn. We'll take the electric car which is much cheaper and way more flexible.
Departure in 35 hours!
To all my followers who are going to #Berlin too: say hello on the street fair or at #QuälgeistBerlin even if we haven't met before. Don't be shy! Just say that you follow me on Mastodon.
#folsomeurope #deutschebahn #berlin #qualgeistberlin #FolsomBerlin #qualgeist
After a few „bad“ years, the weather forecast for #FolsomEurope is awesome again. This means that I will NOT wear full leather again but something lighter, similar to my #ColognePride outfit!
On the flip side: beating my boys at #QuälgeistBerlin will be exhausting and make me sweat more than usual. That’s the price I‘ll have to pay!
Also, I‘m looking forward to all the nice people, slaves, friends and acquaintances. I‘m curious to know, who‘s also going to submit
#folsomeurope #ColognePride #qualgeistberlin #FolsomBerlin #qualgeist
Who of you guys is going to #Berlin to #FolsomEurope this year and maybe attending one of the events at #Quälgeist
#berlin #folsomeurope #qualgeist #FolsomBerlin #qualgeistberlin