It amazes me how much we focus on better technology for clinical decision making, but neglect to develop similar solutions for the public.
This could be a huge equilizer on patient -centered care.
#health #qualityimprovement #patientexperience
For an #IntroductionToot I am a #Glaswegian who supports #ScottishIndependence #IndependenceForScotland & the #SNP. I also enjoy #knitting & #NintendoSwitch. I work for the #NHS in #Scotland as a #healtheconomist #healtheconomics. This mostly involves #HTA #HealthTechnologyAssessment but I’m learning more about #QualityImprovement methods too. My CPD interests are improving methods for measuring & quantifying #QualityOfLife in #Homeless populations and using #RStats #Rstudio for #DataAnalysis.
#dataanalysis #rstudio #rstats #homeless #qualityoflife #qualityimprovement #healthtechnologyassessment #hta #healtheconomics #healtheconomist #scotland #nhs #nintendoswitch #knitting #snp #independenceforscotland #scottishindependence #Glaswegian #introductiontoot
I find I'm following a few people from elsewhere (mostly RL friends) but also browsing hashtags to find cool people to follow. Interests include (but are not limited to) #musicals #taskmaster #LeonardCohen #dixit #AgathaChristie #DorothyLSayers #theatre #NHS #bisexual #parenting #MaskedSinger #London #rainbows #FilmNoir #QualityImprovement #TransRights #AntiRacism #PhantomPeak #puzzles #writing
#Writing #puzzles #phantompeak #antiracism #transrights #qualityimprovement #filmnoir #rainbows #London #MaskedSinger #parenting #bisexual #nhs #theatre #dorothylsayers #agathachristie #dixit #leonardcohen #taskmaster #Musicals