@MorriganResists I'm sorry to hear about your chronic herpes. For unknown reasons, () is becoming more common, and a fair number of people will have recurrences.

We should never underestimate viruses. Many can cause long term (or later) effects.

The good news is that preventing one can help prevent most. If more people were cautious, we'd all be safer!

#herpeszoster #shingles #airquality #qualitymasks #handwashing #ventilation #filtration #sanitize #StayHomeWhenSick

Last updated 2 years ago

@TheMemeticist I wish they wore better masks in the pictures. Given what they are saying, they should know better.

Editing to add the link to the article and to clarify - the video, not the header image, is where they should update their masks: cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/mask

#COVIDisAirborne #qualitymasks #kn95 #n95 #kf94

Last updated 2 years ago

@luckytran Three years in, why is there no certification of children's masks in the US?

Why hasn't there been an educational campaign of how to choose and use the proper mask and when to wear it?

Why isn't there a push to make air quality standards?

We're missing so many opportunities to do this better. Ignoring the problem doesn't make it disappear.

#COVIDisAirborne #qualitymasks #n95 #kf94 #kn95 #maskappropriatelyfortheconditions

Last updated 2 years ago

This week's shows trends and rising levels - higher than this time 2020. are rising. is problematic.

We must change our habits to slow the spread!

#covid19weatherreport #variant #wastewater #hospitalizations #LongCovid #qualitymasks #stayhomesick #ventilate #COVIDisAirborne

Last updated 2 years ago

@irenetosetti When first came out they were very effective at preventing serious acute illness. We were hopeful for .

We now know -CoV-2 changes & evades immunity.

We also now know repeat infections are not only possible but increase risk of serious , but we're still acting like herd immunity will protect us.

When will the majority act in accordance with what we've learned?

#vaccines #HerdImmunity #SARS #complications #qualitymasks #ventilation #filtration #TimeOffSickPolicy #TestFrequently

Last updated 2 years ago