Unfortunately, the greatest scams are perpetrated by the legacyMedia and a corporate transnational finance.
See hashtags (#)repoCrisis and (#)jobKeeper. Job Keeper and the banking cartel were able to secure vastly more funding for their rich mates.
The name or brand that is "#quantatativeEasing" is new, but the general theft that occurs over years is not new, the term "CantillonEffect" is very old.
JobKeeper (in the #USA #PPPLoans) is rebranded #QE.
QE (#QuantatativeEasing) is rebranded #bailouts.
Bailouts are rebranded #keynesianism.
Keynesianism is rebranded #inflation.
Inflation is rebranded #moneyPrinting.
MoneyPrinting is #counterfeiting. Its fine but only if everyone on earth gets their share (see #UBI).
#usa #PPPLoans #QE #quantatativeEasing #bailouts #keynesianism #inflation #moneyPrinting #counterfeiting #ubi #complexityTheatre #australia
Just sink a ship with #bankers on it and be the #centralBanker, and kleptocratic billionaire you want to see in the world…
…a world that you take private.
By the way that job you created sounds "vari" fash. Excellent. We didn't know you could invent bullshitJobs. Gold star. :P
#moneyPrinting #quantatativeEasing #assetPurchases #repoCrisis #liquidityInjection #fakeSellOrders #manipulatingInterestRates #highFrequencyTrading #super #theFed #titanic #fiatScams #fiatCurrency #scamWatch
#bankers #centralBanker #moneyPrinting #quantatativeEasing #assetPurchases #repoCrisis #liquidityInjection #fakeSellOrders #manipulatingInterestRates #highFrequencyTrading #super #thefed #titanic #fiatScams #fiatCurrency #Scamwatch
What is the #CantillonEffect?
Its pretty simple. Those with first dibs on the newly-minted #cash get all the benefits.
So if I'm a #CEO with a #banker mate at the #Fed (aka #FederalReserve, a private entity) and they type some new #money into my bank account, I'll get the full benefit of that money.
As I spend it, the #inflation effect debases the currency's value and #assets simply go up in #price.
The #saver suffers.
#moneyPrinting #qe #quantatativeEasing #counterfeiting #cookingTheBooks
#cantilloneffect #cash #ceo #banker #fed #federalreserve #money #inflation #assets #price #saver #moneyPrinting #QE #quantatativeEasing #counterfeiting #cookingTheBooks