johanvos · @johanvos
457 followers · 71 posts · Server

I spent time today on the issue queue of my quantumjava samples repo:

Granted, there is lots of work on the core Strange framework ( and I have a bunch of errata for my book ( but step by step, we'll get there.
This is so important for the future!

#java #javafx #quantdumcomputng

Last updated 2 years ago

johanvos · @johanvos
449 followers · 66 posts · Server

How nice it is when great technologies work together!
I added a maven project (created pom with to (Quantum Key Distribution sample) and configured it to use the same source as the samples I already had.
Opened in Apache Netbeans, ran the samples that use StrangeFX and Strange ( and it worked from the first time! (writing this took me longer ;) )

#jbang #javafx #strange #netbeans #quantdumcomputng #qkd

Last updated 2 years ago