#QuanteenDay2023 will take place on Monay 23.01. from 14-18 pm.
Topic: Fascination #QuantumComputer
#MINT Fans & #Teens join us! We are looking forward to get in touch with you. You can sign up for free to the online event.
We from ZEA-2 @fzj will be online, as well as scientists from @UniKoeln , University of Bonn, RWTH Aachen University, @HHU & ML4Q
For more information please check the following link:
#quanteenday2023 #quantumcomputer #mint #teens
RT @ML4Q_cluster@twitter.com
#MINT Fans und #Teens aufgepasst! Schon mal was von #Quantencomputern gehört? Vielleicht verrückten Phänomenen der #Quantenphysik im Unterricht begegnet?
Am #QuanteenDay2023 kannst du an Quantenwissenschaftler:innen all deine Fragen loswerden! Mach mit!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ML4Q_cluster/status/1603684121968082944
#mint #teens #quantencomputern #quantenphysik #quanteenday2023