Quantum computing is changing the way computational problems can be approached. But what can we realistically expect from #quantumcomputing for the application, now and in the future? Which are the main shortcomings on the algorithmic, the #quantum #hardware and the software side #QuantumAI that need to be tackled to eventually see a practical #quantumadvantage ?
This upcoming symposium, organised by the.Munich Quantum Valley, addresses these topics... https://www.munich-quantum-valley.de/news-events/eventdetails/applications-of-quantum-computing
#quantumcomputing #Quantum #hardware #QuantumAI #quantumadvantage
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-05-team-quantum-advantage-optimization-problems.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-05-team-quantum-advantage-optimization-problems.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1658837594237460482#m
Team demonstrates #quantumadvantage on #optimizationproblems with a 5,000-qubit programmable spin glass @sciencemagazine @nature https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.284.5415.779 https://phys.org/news/2023-05-team-quantum-advantage-optimization-problems.html
#quantumadvantage #optimizationproblems
Christmas has come early this year! #optimization #QuantumComputing
RT @jenseisert@twitter.com
Our early xmas present: We prove a super-polynomial #quantumadvantage of fault tolerant #quantumcomputers for combinatorial #optimization.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jenseisert/status/1605047118971879424
#quantumcomputers #quantumadvantage #quantumcomputing #optimization
#BosonSampling is a problem that has hardness of classical simulation well established, but that quantum systems can do absurdly fast
One major difficulty is that this sampling task is not easy to be verified, hence not clear how to benchmark #QuantumAdvantage BosonSampling experiments
In a new preprint from #QLOC_INL Leonardo Novo, together with Benoît Seron (main author), A Arkhipov and N Cerf advance the field of Boson Sampling validation!
Congrats to Benoît et al!
#BosonSampling #quantumadvantage #QLOC_INL
Our early xmas present: We prove a super-polynomial #quantumadvantage of fault tolerant #quantumcomputers for combinatorial #optimization.
#quantumadvantage #quantumcomputers #optimization
It's not about #QuantumAdvantage. It's not about #ClassicalAdvantage. It is about customer advantage! The customer does not care, he cares about the result. And quantum inspired solutions are one way.
#quantumadvantage #classicaladvantage
Version 3 of our review on a #quantumadvantage or what is called "#quantumsupremacy" in #quantumrandomsampling schemes adds further details and some references.
Substantial credit goes to Dominik Hangleiter, who really was in the driver's seat in this project. It is and has been so much fun to work with Dominik.
#quantumadvantage #quantumsupremacy #quantumrandomsampling
Great call this morning with Benno Broer of #PASQAL. Analog QC may be a shortcut to a type of useful, commercially-relevant #quantumadvantage.
#quantumadvantage #pasqal #quantumcomputing