Curious about quantum computing's real-world applications? Check out the MPI-PKS talk by Prof.Smith from the University of Nottingham, and learn with hands-on examples using the IBM Cloud quantum computers and @qiskit python library🧑💻
The lecture covers the basics of quantum mechanics necessary to understand quantum circuits and explores two applications in many-body physics: finding ground states and simulating non-equilibrium dynamics. Perfect for beginners and experts alike. Don't miss out!
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#QuantumComputing #IBMQuantum #Qiskit #QuantumCircuits #NISQ #ManyBodyPhysics
#manybodyphysics #nisq #quantumcircuits #qiskit #IBMQuantum #quantumcomputing #openaccess #free #enabla
Can the output distribution of #quantumcircuits be efficiently learned? In our work, we show that learning the output distributions of brickwork random quantum circuits is average-case hard in the statistical query model.
“Measurement-induced phase transitions on dynamical quantum trees” by Xiaozhou Feng (heard about its posting from Brian Skinner on Twitter):
#quantumcircuits #mipt #quantum #statmech