📣 at IIT-CNR we are #hiring. Know anyone who might be interested?
Topics I am personally involved:
- Efficient FaaS orchestration and scheduling for edge AI
- Network/compute infrastructure management with quantum communications
#serverlesscomputing #faas #distributedsystems #pervasivecomputing #edgeai #quantumcomputing #quantumcommunications #quantumrouting #qkd
#hiring #serverlesscomputing #faas #distributedsystems #pervasivecomputing #EdgeAI #quantumcomputing #quantumcommunications #quantumrouting #qkd
Actu 📰 | March 1st, 2023, has been the official launch of the #QuantumSecureNetworksPartnership, or #QSNP, a new project in the area of #quantumcommunications of the #QuantumFlagship. It brings together more than 40 partners from all over Europe. These experts will seek to develop advanced #quantumtechnology for quantum secure communication networks and integrate this technology into existing classical telecommunication systems and post-quantum protocols.
🌐 https://www.telecom-paris.fr/quantum-secure-networks-partnership
#quantumsecurenetworkspartnership #qsnp #quantumcommunications #quantumflagship #quantumtechnology