{Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman #Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist who is known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action for climate change mitigation. Thunberg's activism began when she persuaded her parents to adopt lifestyle choices that reduced their own carbon footprint. Wikipedia} #CRISPR_rEvolution #QuantumEntanglement 😃
15. September #Klimastreik
#ClimateActionNow #fff #weedmob #lastgeneration
#LastGeneration #WeedMob #fff #climateactionnow #EndFossilFuels #klimastreik #quantumentanglement #CRISPR_rEvolution #thunberg #greta #YOUaretheUNIVERSE
#HyperPhysic :
"All #dimensions are equal,
but some are more equal"
What was before the #BigBang ?
Does #causality need time?
Time is a curved vector in the 4D #SpaceTime .
Accelerating curves this time vector.
Can we do #interstellar communication by #QuantumEntanglement ?
I prefare #LoopQuantumGravity , the #StringTheory seems to complicated to me.
#Relativity :
If you stick your nose in my but,
you got a nose in a but,
I got a nose in a but,
but my situation is relative better.
#hyperphysic #dimensions #bigbang #causality #spacetime #interstellar #quantumentanglement #loopquantumgravity #stringtheory #relativity
Despite what someone on, say, a tiktok might claim, quantum entanglement cannot be used to pass information across distances at greater than the speed of light. The best you can do is measure the state of one, and then know the state of the other. Everyone who gets this wrong things you can force one particle into a particular state and have that reflected in the other, but you can't. There is no information passed between entangled particles.
Google Books #NGram plots for the following terms:
#shortrangeorder #longrangeorder #QuantumCorrelations #classicalcorrelations #disconnectedcorrelation #connectedcorrelation #connectedcorrelationfunction #correlationcoefficient #correlation #correlationfunction #quantumentanglement #ngram
It creeps me out to no end to think that I am quantumly entangled with the MAGAt shitbag sitting next to me in the lunchroom.
Perhaps, it is a Goddess send that no meaningful experiment has been devised to reveal such quantum entanglement.
Some things are better left unseen!
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-05-quantum-entanglement-photons-microscope-resolution.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-05-quantum-entanglement-photons-microscope-resolution.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1653446066178596865#m
#Quantumentanglement of #photons doubles microscope resolution @Caltech @NatureComms https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38191-4 https://phys.org/news/2023-05-quantum-entanglement-photons-microscope-resolution.html
The mere idea of measuring a quantity changes it. After all, we are mortal beings, devoid of god-like powers, we can only measure things rather than direct observations of microscopic systems.
Hence, it is important to understand Measurements in Quantum Systems and Fundamental Theory.
Read more:
#quantumcomputing #quantumphysics #quantumcomputers #quantumtechnology #quantum #quantuminternet #quantuminformtion #quantumcommunication #quantumentanglement
#quantumcomputing #quantumphysics #Quantumcomputers #quantumtechnology #quantum #quantuminternet #quantuminformtion #quantumcommunication #quantumentanglement
Generating Entangled Qubits and Qudits with Fully On-Chip Photonic Quantum Source https://hackaday.com/2023/04/23/generating-entangled-qubits-and-qudits-with-fully-on-chip-photonic-quantum-source/ #quantumentanglement #photonics #Science #News
#quantumentanglement #photonics #Science #News
Generating Entangled Qubits and Qudits with Fully On-Chip Photonic Quantum Source - As the world of computing and communication draws ever closer to a quantum future,... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/23/generating-entangled-qubits-and-qudits-with-fully-on-chip-photonic-quantum-source/ #quantumentanglement #photonics #science #news
#news #science #photonics #quantumentanglement
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-04-quantum-entanglement-accelerometers-dark-sensors.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-04-quantum-entanglement-accelerometers-dark-sensors.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1649085281180450816#m
#Quantumentanglement could make accelerometers and dark matter sensors more accurate @umich @NaturePhotonics https://phys.org/news/2023-04-quantum-entanglement-accelerometers-dark-sensors.html
Updated with 73 entrees and, thanks to a suggestion from Jack Krupansky, a wine list with 18 algorithms. More is forthcoming.
https://medium.com/the-modern-scientist/quantum-computing-product-menu-965bf32439d2 #quantum #quantumcomputing #quantumcomputer #quantumtech #quantumtechnology #quantumcommunication #quantummachinelearning #quantumentanglement #quantumtechnologies #quantumcomputers #quantuminternet #quantumcryptography
#quantum #quantumcomputing #quantumcomputer #quantumtech #quantumtechnology #QuantumCommunication #QuantumMachineLearning #quantumentanglement #quantumtechnologies #quantumcomputers #QuantumInternet #quantumcryptography
{#Interstellar ist ein US-amerikanisch-britischer #ScienceFiction-Film unter der Regie von #ChristopherNolan aus dem Jahr 2014. Der Film spielt in einer #dystopischen #Zukunft, in der die Menschheit die Erde verlassen muss und ein neues Zuhause auf einem anderen Planeten sucht. ...} #WeisheitkommtausdemALL
Interstellar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FByEFOAQeU0
background: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstellar
#Storytelling #weedmob #cannabis #future #survive #DUBISTdasUNIVERSUM #QuantumEntanglement #humankind #solutions?
#solutions #humankind #quantumentanglement #DUbistdasUNIVERSUM #survive #future #cannabis #WeedMob #storytelling #weisheitkommtausdemall #zukunft #dystopischen #christophernolan #sciencefiction #interstellar
Wieviele #ein_same #Zwillinge, wieviele Menschen gibt es wohl?
Die ihr #Leid mit #Cannabinoiden versuchen zu #lindern?
#MileyCyrus #Island #EndlessSummerVacation #twins #souls #dreams #quantumentanglement #Universe #UniversalMother #UniversalChild #missbrauch #pain #cannabis #hanf #heilt #lindert #hilft
#wasfehlt? #fehlt?
#ActNow #weedmob #cannabis #TomorrowIsTooLate
#Klagen #bitte 😃 #lto #racialjustice #AnneWill #scientistsforfuture #parentsforfuture #hartaberfair
#hartaberfair #parentsforfuture #scientistsforfuture #annewill #racialjustice #lto #bitte #klagen #TomorrowIsTooLate #WeedMob #actnow #fehlt #wasfehlt #hilft #lindert #heilt #hanf #cannabis #pain #missbrauch #universalchild #universalmother #universe #quantumentanglement #dreams #souls #twins #endlesssummervacation #island #mileycyrus #Lindern #Cannabinoiden #leid #zwillinge #ein_same
'Ghostly' Glow of Entangled Light Now Reveals Hidden Objects Better Than Ever
Not your typical kind of photography.
#physics #GhostImaging #QuantumEntanglement #photons #photography #light #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#physics #ghostimaging #quantumentanglement #photons #photography #light #Science #sciencealert #stem
#QuantumEntanglement Isn't All That Spooky After All
"Ions, trapped in two buildings separated 230m apart, have been entangled."
🔗 https://go.aps.org/3HRZGzo
“Why More Physicists Are Starting to Think Space and Time Are ‘Illusions’”
#astrophysics #philosophy #quantum #quantumentanglement
#astrophysics #philosophy #quantum #quantumentanglement
What If We Live in a #Superdeterministic #Universe?
#Superdeterminism #StatisticalIndependence #Determinism #Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #Statistics #Probability #Science #Physics #QuantumPhysics #QuantumMechanics #QM #Entanglement #QuantumEntanglement #Realism #EPRParadox #EPR #Observer #Observation #WaveFunction #WaveFunctionCollapse #Decoherence
#Decoherence #wavefunctioncollapse #wavefunction #observation #observer #epr #eprparadox #realism #quantumentanglement #entanglement #qm #quantummechanics #quantumphysics #physics #science #probability #statistics #philosophyofscience #philosophy #determinism #statisticalindependence #superdeterminism #universe #superdeterministic