NTT Scientists Report First Practical Application of Cyber-CIM #Research #cyber_coherent_Ising_machine #cyberCIM #Inc #NTT #NTT_Research #quantuminspired_algorithm #Tokyo_Institute_of_Technology #Tokyo_Tech #quantumdaily Insider Brief Tokyo Institute of Technology and NTT Research scientists have successfully developed compressed sensing as a an application for cyber coherent Ising machine, or cyber-CIM. This is the the first known practical application
#Research #cyber_coherent_Ising_machine #cyberCIM #Inc #NTT #NTT_Research #quantuminspired_algorithm #Tokyo_Institute_of_Technology #Tokyo_Tech #quantumdaily
Fujitsu’s Quantum-inspired Algorithm Improves Investment Portfolios’ Asset Allocation #Quantum_Computing_Business #Research #Digital_Annealer #Fujitsu #INNOLAB_Bilbao #Japan #Kutxabank #Quantum_Mads #quantuminspired_algorithm #quantumdaily Insider Brief Fujitsu reports its quantum-inspired solution achieved excellent results in a Kutxabank project is to improve the allocation of assets to its investment portfolios. The algorithm made it possible to calcu
#Quantum_Computing_Business #Research #Digital_Annealer #Fujitsu #INNOLAB_Bilbao #Japan #Kutxabank #Quantum_Mads #quantuminspired_algorithm #quantumdaily