Gonna tell my kids this was the #Metaverse
#metaverse #quantumlink #retrocomputing #c64 #commodore64
Gonna tell my kids this was the #Metaverse
#metaverse #quantumlink #retrocomputing #c64 #commodore64
How old are you in #dialup phone #modem speed?
#retrocomputing #BBS #BBSes #AOL #AmericaOnline #CompuServe #QuantumLink #TheSource #Prodigy #eWorld #GEnie #MCIMail #DELPHI #AppleLink #BIX #ISP
#dialup #modem #retrocomputing #bbs #bbses #aol #americaonline #compuserve #quantumlink #thesource #prodigy #eworld #genie #mcimail #delphi #Applelink #bix #isp
Habitat was developed by Lucasfilm Games for Quantum Link and after the Habitat beta test ended, the world was modified and expanded, eventually being rebranded and launched as Club Caribe in 1989.
The client is identical to Habitat except for the title screen and welcome text.
It had a small but loyal fan base up until the day it closed in February 1994.