Quantum basement lab: I visited the group of @AndreasAtETH in Zürich today and got to see their 30 meter long tube for transmitting quantum microwave signals, all cooled down to reduce noise.
#quantumtechnology #qubits 1/2
"Start me up Monday – Training quantum Engineers" zum Thema #quantum #quantumcomputing #quantumtechnology #quantumcryptography #security und mehr an der Fachhochschule Technikum Wien.
#quantum #quantumcomputing #quantumtechnology #quantumcryptography #security
Do you want to become an expert in the field of quantum technology? Would you like to learn more about the basics of quantum computing and the most important algorithms in this field? Then join our online course "Quantum Technology Professional". The next course starts on August 29: https://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/en/akademie/trainings/quantum-technology-professional
#quantumcomputing #quantumtechnology #quantumcomputation
Da hat Dr. Jan-Rainer Lahmann ein bisschen mit dem aktuellen Hype rund um #quantumcomputing aufgeräumt. Zum Beispiel:
👉 Quantum Computing ist nicht für Big Data, sondern für "Small Data and Big Compute"
👉 Es gibt aktuell keinen Use Case, wo Quantum Computing Vorteile gegenüber klassische Computer hat.
Aber trotzdem: #quantumcomputing darf man nicht unterschätzen, denn auch heute gibt es schon sinnvolle Anwendungen und es werden noch mehr werden.
https://barc.com/de/media/podcast/quantum-computing-und-quantum-machine-learning/ #quantumtechnology
#quantumcomputing #quantumtechnology
In the country called #Czechia, where risk is considered a bad word, I found myself caught between contrasting evaluations of my #EearlyCareer #research project funded by my university. Left: the evaluator from the university, right: the International agency evaluating my request to extend the funding, the possibility of which had been mentioned when I signed the contract. The goal of establishing the #quantumtechnology infrastructure in Prague was over-ambitious. More at https://twitter.com/FlyingPhysChem/status/1680152154798010368
#czechia #eearlycareer #research #quantumtechnology
#quantumcomputing #quantumtechnology
STANDARD: Wann könnte es denn so weit sein, dass es Quantencomputer gibt, die tatsächlich nützlich sind?
Briegel: Jetzt ist erst einmal wichtig, Geduld zu haben. Es wäre zu kurz gedacht, wenn man annimmt, dass es in fünf Jahren einen Quantencomputer geben muss, denn sonst wird es gar nicht funktionieren.
#quantumcomputing #quantumtechnology
New review article on Semiconductor spin qubits
#QuantumMaterials #Quantum #QuantumTechnology #QuantumSensing #QuantumCommunication
#QuantumCommunication #QuantumSensing #quantumtechnology #quantum #quantummaterials
Two new Collaborative Research Centers led by our university have been approved by the German Research Foundation. Also the funding for our project "#NonCodingRNA in the #cardiovascularsystem" has been extended: http://go.tum.de/585307
📷A. Heddergott
#noncodingrna #cardiovascularsystem #quantumtechnology #medicine
I had a great week of visits at various scientific institutes in #india last week. The last place to visit was the Tata Institute for Fundamental Research in Mumbai. I got to see the lab of my longtime colleague Vijay (formerly Berkeley/Yale): cutting-edge superconducting qubit experiments. #quantumtechnology #qubits @MPI_ScienceOfLight
#qubits #quantumtechnology #india
“Using digital computers it's a software question, however quantum computers is bigger than that. Quantum computers is a hardware question where it actually increases your ability to do much more than with an ordinary digital computer.” Michio Kaku at the Joe Rogan experience.
#quantumcomputing #quantumtechnology
📢 Yo, academic job opportunity a University of New Brunswick in quantum sensing! ⚛️
#job #CdnSci #quantum #quantumtechnology #QuantumSensing
The mere idea of measuring a quantity changes it. After all, we are mortal beings, devoid of god-like powers, we can only measure things rather than direct observations of microscopic systems.
Hence, it is important to understand Measurements in Quantum Systems and Fundamental Theory.
Read more:
#quantumcomputing #quantumphysics #quantumcomputers #quantumtechnology #quantum #quantuminternet #quantuminformtion #quantumcommunication #quantumentanglement
#quantumcomputing #quantumphysics #Quantumcomputers #quantumtechnology #quantum #quantuminternet #quantuminformtion #quantumcommunication #quantumentanglement
🔬📱 Quantum sensing in your pocket!
🧑🔬🧲 @excitonscience say a new technology that uses OLEDs to image magnetic fields can enabling high-resolution magnetic imaging with portable devices like smartphones
Learn more: https://www.scimex.org/newsfeed/quantumsensinginyourpocketusingoledstoimagemagneticfields #quantumtechnology #magneticimaging
#quantumtechnology #magneticimaging
Become a #quantumtechnology pro! 🏅 Get the certificate as a "Quantum Technology Professional" from our #Fraunhofer Academy!
👨🏼🎓 Would you like to learn more about the basics of quantum computing and the most important algorithms in the field of quantum computing? 👩🏼🎓 The next online course starts on August 29th. Take the chance and book a virtual seat: 👉🏼 https://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/en/akademie/trainings/quantum-technology-professional
#quantumtechnology #fraunhofer #quantumcomputing #quantumtechnologyprofessional #fraunhoferacademy #fraunhoferitwm
Why do I use a #photonic #quantumcomputer?
Why do I use Quandela's "Ascella" specifically?
Thank Nefertem for the great questions!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOAV1kuLh0g #quantumcomputing #quantum #quantumtechnologies #quantumcomputers #quantumtech #quantumtechnology #quantum #photonics
#Photonic #quantumcomputer #quantumcomputing #quantum #quantumtechnologies #quantumcomputers #quantumtech #quantumtechnology #photonics
Just what is the big picture goal of #QuantumComputing? 🤔
Here's this week's guest, Dr Ellen Derbyshire explaining it to us, and telling us how her research fits into this bigger picture.
Full episode available on insidequantum.org!
#QuantumInformation #QuantumTechnology #Quantum #QuantumPhysics #Computing
#computing #quantumphysics #quantum #quantumtechnology #quantuminformation #quantumcomputing
It’s #worldquantumday and we’ve been marking it with alongside @unihh, TU Hamburg, @DLR, PIER, and Hamburg Quantum Innovation Capital (hqic). Topics include building the first #quantumcomputer for everyday use, hardware developments, optimization, and analytics of quantum materials. Hamburg has the brains and infrastructure to be a major quantum hub! #quantumtechnology #innovation
#worldquantumday #quantumcomputer #quantumtechnology #innovation
Maybe of interest to anyone. Free (online) event about #quantum #quantumcomputing #quantumtechnology
#quantum #quantumcomputing #quantumtechnology
Updated with 73 entrees and, thanks to a suggestion from Jack Krupansky, a wine list with 18 algorithms. More is forthcoming.
https://medium.com/the-modern-scientist/quantum-computing-product-menu-965bf32439d2 #quantum #quantumcomputing #quantumcomputer #quantumtech #quantumtechnology #quantumcommunication #quantummachinelearning #quantumentanglement #quantumtechnologies #quantumcomputers #quantuminternet #quantumcryptography
#quantum #quantumcomputing #quantumcomputer #quantumtech #quantumtechnology #QuantumCommunication #QuantumMachineLearning #quantumentanglement #quantumtechnologies #quantumcomputers #QuantumInternet #quantumcryptography