I think anyone who listens today will agree that @dudokquartet is exceptionally good. I bought two of their albums, Solitude and Reflections. They are well measured in a manner that manages to be tame, while still holding an emotional grip on the listener. That to me equals a mastering of the craft of musicianship. I always keep an eye out for new-to-me #quartets. It has been a delight listening to them for the first time.
#ClassicalMusic @classicalmusic
added music by #Bach and #Borodin to my #quartets collection (sourced mainly from Oxfam): https://proseandpassion.blogspot.com/2021/09/quartets-for-random-instruments.html #ChamberMusic
#bach #borodin #quartets #chambermusic
És difícil fer quartets de corda després de Beethoven (deixant de banda a Brahms). Però al segle XX Bartok ho va aconseguir, amb aquella barreja de xaladura i classicisme tan necessària en aquest tipus de formació. Us deixo amb el Ragazze Quartet, que com el seu nom indica està format per noies.
#bartok #string #quartets #ragazze #music
Quartets, December ‘22
9. Nearly receiving a gift of bitumen, is it what you were aiming for? (9)10. Left a pub when what the UK left caused boredom (5)11. Light sources left in dances dancing (7)12. A limb in a birds limb, that’s cosy (7)13. Phosphorus Yankee heads to eastern Europe country for love of fire (9)14. Sounds like the music with the rhythms on the off beat makes its mark
#crossword #quartets #xmas #yule
#crossword #quartets #xmas #yule
The #Carducci Quartet was 🔥 last night in #Shrewsbury, playing 4 #Mendelssohn #quartets, both Felix n Fanny. Sheer joy, energy, drama -- the works!!
#carducci #shrewsbury #Mendelssohn #quartets