https://github.com/pandoc-ext/section-bibliographies から
$ quarto install extension pandoc-ext/section-bibliographies
https://github.com/pandoc-ext/diagram を参考に
$ quarto install extension pandoc-ext/diagram
#quarto #pandoc
R-Ladies Cologne are back! 🥳
Together with R-Ladies Bergen, we're are kicking off a series on "Toolbox for Reproducibility" with @minecr's workshop on using #quarto! Come and join us to learn how to leverage this multi-purpose tool to make your work reproducible 🚀
Sign up here: https://www.meetup.com/rladies-cologne/events/295994131/
Gave a short presentation about ALS data and forest disturbances at #silvilaser23 conference yesterday.
Slides available at https://github.com/wiesehahn/presentation-silvilaser23
You can also watch all presentations at https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/silvilaser2023/
#silvilaser23 #lidar #als #quarto #revealjs
I wrote about using #ObservableJS with #quarto and #rstats. And hockey. It is so. much. fun.
I'm in pre-Posit::conf slidecrafting mode, so i wrote another #quarto revealjs plugin!
Introducing `highlightword` 🎉 Using fragments to apply word specific code highlighting!
Adding the following fenced div on a slide will give `word` the specified `style`.
::: {.fragment .highlightword word="awesome_function" style="background:pink;"}
Any valid CSS styling is allowed!
Code: https://github.com/EmilHvitfeldt/quarto-revealjs-codewindow
Demo: https://emilhvitfeldt.github.io/quarto-revealjs-codewindow
I did it again! wrote another #quarto extension, this time a Revealjs plugin to spruce up code blocks!
Make code blocks look like browser windows, complete will file names and ICONS! many data science icons are already enabled
I updated these slides to show a second method - use #Quarto fragments to build up a complex diagram over multiple steps. The first method embedded an iframe of a Lucid Chart into a Quarto slide, which also works well.
Which do you prefer?
Thanks for the inspiration @tladeras
📚Looking to make your reports pop with clear annotated equations? 🧮 Check out my latest blog post on integrating annotated equations in #quarto! 🔍💡 #EquationAnnotations #rstats
🌐🔗: https://lpembleton.rbind.io/posts/annotate-equations/
#quarto #equationannotations #RStats
@tladeras Ted, turns out I have Lucid Chart at work, so I learned to use their layers and action button features to break up a complex diagram. Lucid provides embed code, so I dropped that code in a #quarto presentation. It's on #quartopub here https://jeremydata.quarto.pub/lucid-chart-embedding-in-quarto/. I think I can rearrange the original to be more horizontal. I definitely prefer this diagram in pieces rather than all at once.
@PaolaCorti @lambo – Sounds great! – Probably not cooked according to the recipe that will be proposed here, but our first attempt at an "open textbook" on Computational Literary Studies can be found at https://methods.clsinfra.io, with the collaborative writing process described in a postscriptum, here: https://methods.clsinfra.io/postscriptum.html – Feedback very welcome! – #Zotero #Gitlab #Wiki #Markdown #Quarto #HTML #PDF
#zotero #gitlab #wiki #markdown #quarto #html #pdf
Just discovered Manubot, a new collaborative writing platform, and it looks amazing. Has anyone tried using this #foss project? Wondering how well it integrates with Quarto, if at all. Interested in tools for collaboration? The computational biologists have you covered! #fediscience #rstats #Python #Quarto
#foss #Fediscience #rstats #python #quarto
😅 Managed to autodetect #Quarto document formats via YAML, allowing for context-sensitive #RStats functions in my {quartostamp} RStudio Addin. But it was a completely unecessary 'solution'! @Letxuga007's simple fix was the right one.
📝 Post: https://www.rostrum.blog/posts/2023-09-01-quarto-yaml-detect/
💮 {quartostamp}: https://matt-dray.github.io/quartostamp/
The main side project during this time has been a complete revamp of my website:
I'm planning a mini series on how I went about building my new website with #Quarto (design tips I picked up, how I implemented them, fiddly bits of code, etc.)...
Open source projects thrive on others joining in. Here is a nice example of an #RKWard user who has started to create help for RKWard, in RKWard with #Quarto. Help is certainly gratefully accepted.
source code git: https://github.com/lgschuck/rkward_manual
I'm thinking of using #quarto presentations for it, since it is already integrated into Rstudio.