@cjssydney Yeah, but that would make the Corporate Suits the same as the Proles. "Can't have the poor getting ideas above their station, what?".
Full disclosure, I'm not a football fan but, if comrade, you are, then this might be for you. https://soundcloud.com/novaramedia/pro-revolution-soccer-coming-18-november #NovaMedia #Football #QuatarWorldCup #worldcup2022 #leftistFootball
#NovaMedia #football #quatarworldcup #worldcup2022 #leftistfootball
Full disclosure, I'm not a football fan but, if comrade, you are, than this might be for you. https://soundcloud.com/novaramedia/pro-revolution-soccer-coming-18-november #NovaMedia #Football #QuatarWorldCup #worldcup2022 #leftistFootball
#NovaMedia #football #quatarworldcup #worldcup2022 #leftistfootball
Delighted with Katie McCabes announcement that she will not be watching the World Cup. #quatarworldcup