Bon mes semelles sont lisses, c'est quoi les dernières tendances chez #Quechua ?
Faire sa part du colibri ou faire le nécessaire
#colibri #quechua #légende
New Amauta classes are BACK!
Sign-up deadline is July 23rd at 11:59pm 🇵🇪🇧🇴🇪🇨 []
Decolonize everything you knew about our history, philosophy, heroes, and the Indigenous Andes! Take classes from a Quechua-Aymara philosopher and educator☀️🏔
No HW, no tests, only learning
Everyone is welcome!
[Quechua] Inkaq wawankuna kanchis, chhaynatataqmi purisun
[English] We're children of the Incas and we'll walk like them
#indigenous #native #peru #quechua #history #education #learning
#learning #education #history #quechua #peru #native #indigenous
You should know this Indigenous trans woman:
Gahela Cari is a trans Afro-Andean woman from #quechua parents. She's the most visisble trans leader in #peru, appearing prominently against Manuel Merino’s failed legislative takeover in 2020. She’s also a leader of the party Nuevo Peru and attempted a campaign as the 1st #Native trans woman for congress. Her proposals were to expand trans & cis women’s rights and local agriculture. And, she continues her work today
#indigenous #trans #lgbtq
#lgbtq #trans #indigenous #native #peru #quechua
One of Indigenous Peru's greatest books was just translated into Quechua!
José Carlos Mariátegui's Indigenist masterpiece "Seven Interpetive Essays on Peruvian Reality" (1928) has just translated into #quechua after 96 years since publication. Mariátegui's book has been a guidebook for #indigenous peoples in Peru and #latinamerica since the 1920s. This is amazing news for #nativeamerican peoples across the continent.
#indigenismo #peru #mariategui #nativeamerican #latinamerica #indigenous #quechua
En italiano existe la palabra noialtri, que significa "nosotros (pero no usted[es])". Es decir, incluye al hablante y a su grupo, pero excluye al receptor (y quizás a su grupo).
Esto se llama un pronombre exclusivo y también sucede en quechua:
noqanchis (o ñuqanchis): "nosotros" (incluyendo al receptor)
noqayku (o ñuqayku): "nosotros" (excluyendo al receptor).
Nothing beats the smell of a book hot off the press 👃📚 But why buy the hardcopy when you can read it #OpenAccess for free here? @langscipress
#Diaspora #Linguistics #minoritizedLanguages #Aymara #Quechua
#quechua #aymara #minoritizedlanguages #linguistics #diaspora #openaccess
En #CostaRica se usa la palabra «chinear» que significa consentir o tratar con cariño.
Resulta que es un costarriqueñismo que viene de la palabra "china" en #quechua, que significa "hembra" o "sirvienta" usado para niñeras.
Que no se nos olvide que tenemos raíces colonialistas y racistas, personalmente quizás no hemos cometido actos de explotación y violencia, pero disfrutamos los frutos de los de nuestros antepasados. Es parte de nuestra historia que dista mucho de lo que nos enseñaron
It can't even count to ten reliably. Here many #Quechua words are randomly mixed in with several erroroneous words
It also mixes in #Quechua (here _wasi_ is the Quechua word for "house") -- to say nothing of the numerous other errors
Am 4. März um 11 Uhr spricht Emilia Portaluppi im Haus der Wissenschaften über "Quechua im Kontakt mit dem Spanischen". Sie untersucht die Sprachhybridität in bilingualen Gemeinschaften Ecuadors. #Quechua #Spanisch #Forschung
Interesantísima introducción a las investigaciones aún en curso sobre la lengua Pukina en Sudamérica por el Profesor Rodolfo Cerrón Palomino de la PUCP.
Es fascinante cómo la historia se puede transformar mientras se va escribiendo y re-escribiendo a través del tiempo.
Afortunadamente siempre nos deja algunas evidencias que permiten voverla a reconstruir, al menos en parte.
#RodolfoCerronPalomino #Historia #Linguistica #Pukina #History #Linguistics #Quechua #Aymara
#historia #linguistica #pukina #history #linguistics #quechua #aymara #rodolfocerronpalomino
Vamos con un #ViernesDeMúsica más.
Te gusta el #KPop? Entonces tenés que descubrir el #QPop que es pop en quechua:
Lenin - Imaynata
#quechua #pop #qpop #kpop #viernesdemusica
Oie que lindo esto: el alfabeto #quechua #QuechuaLanguage :blob_tea:
It is known that pre-Avestan Iranian cultures also just had summer and winter, and the same may have been true of the earliest Sumerians. Under this system, starting the year with one of the equinoxes makes sense, since it marks the beginning of the brighter (Spring) or darker (Autumn) half of the year.
However, this is not universal; #IntiRaymi, the #Quechua New Year celebration, was traditionally tied to the Winter Solstice.
Equatorial cultures and civilisations also tend not to bother with more than two seasons. Many traditional African cultures as well as the #Quechua (AKA #Inca) just have a dry season and a rainy season, because sunlight and temperature don't change much across the year close to the equator, and cycles of rainfall are more important and noticeable.
“¡Calla mierda, chola!” le gritaron a una mujer #quechua-hablante al detenerla y reducirla arbitrariamente (luego liberada ya q no había razón). Desde gobierno de siguen insistiendo q accionar de la policía es ‘inmaculado’ y ‘ejemplar’ (via #LaEncerrona #Perú
Hot off the press! 🧨 "Contemporary research in minoritized and diaspora languages of Europe" (eds. Matt Coler & Andrew Nevins) -- completely #OpenAccess and free.
Download the entire book here:
A special thanks to the COLING MSCA RISE project for support, Sebastian Nordhoff, and the series editors Isabelle Léglise and Stefano Manfredi @langscipress
#Minorities #Nahuatl #Aymara #Quechua #Greko #Griko #Frisian #Frysk #Wymysorys #Yiddish
#yiddish #wymysorys #Frysk #Frisian #griko #greko #quechua #aymara #nahuatl #minorities #openaccess
RT Yachanapaq:
Los pueblos #aymara y #quechua tienen una existencia previa a la creación del #Perú y tienen sus propias lenguas y sus propios conocimientos que desafían a un estado unitario como conocemos.
Le retour du #quechua, une langue millénaire, déjà parlée par les Incas, se renforce au #Pérou. Le décryptage de @RTSmonde