My favourite album of all time was released on this day in 1974:
#queen #rockmusic #favourite #music #album #queenii
My top 10 favourite #albums
1. Queen II - Queen #queenII
2. Destroyer - Kiss #kissdestroyer
3. Rising - Rainbow #rainbowrising
4. Forever Changes - Love #foreverchanges
5. Goodbye & Hello - Tim Buckley #timbuckley
6. Dark Side Of The Moon - Pink Floyd #darksideofthemoon
7. Count Three & Pray - Berlin #counthreeandpray
8. Harvest - Neil Young #harvest
9. Backstreet Symphony - Thunder #backstreetsymphony
10. The Joshua Tree - U2 #thejoshuatree
#albums #queenii #kissdestroyer #rainbowrising #foreverchanges #timbuckley #darksideofthemoon #counthreeandpray #harvest #backstreetsymphony #thejoshuatree