The entrances to three of the French Renaissance style Queen's Drive tenements on the southside of Glasgow designed by W.M. Whyte and built in 1885. The small statues around the doors are thought to represent different crafts.
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#architecturephotography #buildingphotography #queensdrive #queenspark #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #glasgow
Alexander 'Greek' Thomson Street Lamp standard on Queen's Drive on the south side of Glasgow. I love the details on the metalwork on this. Very typically 'Greek' Thomson. I wonder how many people walk past this each day without even realising what it is?
#glasgow #alexandergreekthomson #metalwork #streetfurniture #lamppost #architecture #design #glasgowarchitecture #designdetail #queensdrive #queenspark
#queenspark #queensdrive #designdetail #glasgowarchitecture #design #architecture #lamppost #streetfurniture #metalwork #alexandergreekthomson #glasgow
Sculptures around the doors to 114-118 Queen's Drive in Glasgow. Representing the Arts, they are usually taken as being Music, Painting (middle two) and Literature. However, I think the second one may be Dance rather than Painting.
#glasgow #queensdrive #queenspark #sculpture #glasgowsculptures #thearts
#TheArts #glasgowsculptures #sculpture #queenspark #queensdrive #glasgow
A statue of liberty on the roof of 78 Queen's Drive on the south side of Glasgow. The building was constructed in the 1880s, but the sculptor of this statue is unknown.
#glasgow #sculpture #queensdrive #queenspark #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #liberty #statueofliberty
#statueofliberty #liberty #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #queenspark #queensdrive #sculpture #glasgow