Hello! I’m on CFP duty today, so here it goes. The #queensresources 2 in Lisbon has been out for a while now. We’re waiting for your proposals!
The new place works as well as the old one - I should be preparing my talk on #queensresources - the Danish #queens and their #economicPower #MonarchyMoney for the online presentation on Monday, and I am #procrastinating - yeah, life as usual https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cathleen-sarti-palaces-and-industry-the-danish-queens-tickets-402368313457 (just, I have here more space to also put the link in for this shameless #Selfplug
#queensresources #queens #economicpower #monarchymoney #procrastinating #selfplug
@EuroReviewHistory Political culture mostly in Northern Europe (Scandinavia, British Isles, Baltic) - currently working on #fiscal-military Baltic warfare, Danish #queens and #queensresources, and #monarchymoney
#monarchymoney #queensresources #queens #fiscal
Quick #introduction of yet another #earlymodern historian migrating in the winter to warmer regions... tooting about #history #bookhistory #scandinavianhistory #needforChocolate sometimes about #monarchymoney or #queensresources - and also following from the UK the German #ichbinHanna
#IchbinHanna #queensresources #monarchymoney #needforchocolate #scandinavianhistory #bookhistory #history #earlymodern #introduction