The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2312 followers · 3677 posts · Server

The top of is a delight on a sunny day!

The buildings are awesome and I love the colours the architects have chosen at the time of planning to reflect the cosmopolitan nature of the city.

It’s the final day of today, which is one long-weekend of the year that celebrates this gorgeous city with street processions and river sports such as skiing and attracts thousands to the city surrounds.

This vantage point is right near the .


#queenstreet #melbourne #moomba #queenvictoriamarket #modernliving #modernarchitecture #new #old #historic #oldstyle #brick #modern #urbanliving #aesthetichedonist #narrm #australia #makesmesmile

Last updated 2 years ago

Yarra Trams :verified: · @yarratrams
15 followers · 639 posts · Server

Balmy evenings are perfect to sample something delicious at the at . Catch any Rt 19, 57 or 59 trams to Stop 7 Queen Victoria Market on Elizabeth Street, or Rt 58 trams to Stop 9 Queen Victoria Market on Peel Street.

#summer #summernightmarkets #queenvictoriamarket #qvm

Last updated 2 years ago