In Amsterdam today and #queerandproud ?
You are invited to a free talk by Lex Pilger entitled 'How the Queer Community Instigated US Cannabis Legislation'
Friday the 28th July at 14:00.
Location: the Cannabis College, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 124, Amsterdam.
Seating is limited so first come, first seated!
#pride #queer #lexpelger #cannabiscollege
#cannabiscollege #lexpelger #queer #pride #queerandproud
In AmsterdamTomorrow and #queerandproud ?
You are invited to a free talk by Lex Pilger entitled 'How the Queer Community Instigated US Cannabis Legislation'
Friday the 28th July at 14:00.
Location: the Cannabis College, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 124, Amsterdam.
Seating is limited so first come, first seated!
#pride #queer #lexpelger #cannabiscollege
#cannabiscollege #lexpelger #queer #pride #queerandproud
#QueerBritain 2017 #6 #QueerAndProud
#RiyadhK #LGBTQIAplusBritain
#LGBTQIAplus :newpride:
#QueerBritain #queerandproud #riyadhk #lgbtqiaplusbritain #lgbtqiaplus