Wir sind ein alternatives Bestattungsunternehmen aus Berlin und informieren rund um Tod und Bestattung
Auch wenn der eigene Tod noch weit weg ist, beschäftigen sich zunehmend mehr Menschen mit ihrer eigenen Sterblichkeit. Wir bieten Gespräche und Workshops an, in denen man sich behutsam der eigenen Vergänglichkeit annähern kann, aber auch ganz paraktische Fragen zur eigenen Bestattung klären kann.
#neuhier #deathmatters #queerasfuck
just saw a meme that said "it's june which means it's illegal to be straight"
this is all in good fun and understood as such
but at the bottom, blending into the background, this version said, "asexuals are OK but y'all are on thin fucking ice"
and that is not in good fun. or acceptable
for those who don't know, a lot of ace people are targeted with "corrective rape" not only in heterosexual contexts but within the queer community where the assumption is perversely that the problem was they just haven't had the right queer sexual experience yet and need it foisted on them (which is rape)
Now, this is a lot more fucking complicated than we're going to get into in this meme, but please do some reading so you don't repeat these sort of ideas that lead to horrendous actual experiences for actual people.
#QueerAsFuck #PrideMonth #Pride #asexual #asexualPride #AcePride #CWSA #sexualAssault #CorrectiveRape #Acephobia #allosexuals
#queerasfuck #pridemonth #pride #asexual #AsexualPride #acepride #cwsa #sexualassault #correctiverape #acephobia #allosexuals
My coworkers said that I was as if Mary Poppins and Google had a baby today at our year end recognition party and I’m 100% here for that but also, they must have some thoughtz about my sexual orientation. #queerasfuck #trans yea, you can come to me with your weird IT questions, yea you may need to hold my umbrella
Pausing for a moment of queer joy.
This world is stone-cold hard. It’s too easy to sink into that grayness. To see nothing but what paves over all we love, all we desire and yearn for.
To always feel, as the hauntingly beautiful new album from @blackoxorkestar phrases it in a song that could make a rock cry, that “there’s something missing that could make us whole.”
Queer joy makes whole. Not always, and for many, not often. Or not often enough.
Yet it never abandons the desire for that nonbinary messy beautiful wholeness, complete with cracks still visible and honored.
And when those moments come, queer joy knows how to revel in them, dance with them, share them; squeeze out every ounce of delicious, self-generated, spontaneous, otherworldly time-spaces; dream forward about more euphoric moments.
So one has to pause each time, and leave a “note to self” etched across the barren landscape. As remembrance, as fuel and fire. As shared wink to others of what’s possible. As concrete evidence that those moments aren’t mere moments. They are the connective tissue of lives worth living.
(photo: purple circle A spray painted across a sidewalk leading into @defendatlantaforest, because #QueerNotCops, paused by in mid-October, and woven—through friendships new and older—into the queer-joy pause of the few days in Oberlin and Cleveland, thanks to too many fabulous anarchists to name here)
#queerasfuck #BeGayDoCrime #begaydojoy #artofremembrance #ArtOfResistance #TryQueerAnarchismForLife #queernotcops
(Part 5 of 6): By way of celebrating my new book “Try Anarchism for Life” being in print and in the world, and because I have a backlog of photos of circle As in the wild, plus to honor and thank the folks who took the time and care to write blurbs for this book, here’s a trifecta of what I trust are some beautiful expressions of anarchism: street art + the book’s cover + a blurb.
As it serendipitously and delightfully happens, my book came out on the heels of my dear friend Scott Brandon’s book, “Practical Anarchism,” and both of us seem to be preoccupied with focusing on anarchism as life, as living. Perhaps that’s no coincidence in this fascist time that would see so many of us dead—most of us, in fact. So our #EverydayAnarchism has to be a fighter for and carrier of life. It feels no exaggeration to say it’s either #AnarchismOrFascism.
Thanks to @TheRhizomeHouse and the caring labors of our friend @reblgrrlraechel, Scott and I hope to bring our books into life-giving conversation when we gather on December 3.
Now, onto the blurb:
“What a beautiful and playful collection of anarchist ruminations, like an imaginative picture book for adults (but not in the grown-up sense)! It’s a joyful contribution to anarchist literature as well as to Milstein’s own writing. You can read this poetic book in any order—an alphabet that goes from big A to little a and beyond—which makes it a perfect book to pick up to stimulate creativity and meditation. But after reading the whole thing, one gets the sense of the fullness of a life devoted to anarchism; that is, the mutual care and love for each other and the world that raises the stakes for freedom from domination. As we Jews say, ‘To life!’—that is, to a life worth living!”
—Scott Branson, author of “Practical Anarchism: A Guide for Daily Life”
Copies of my book are available from @tangledwild at www.tangledwilderness.org (in and outside the US), @akpressdistro at www.akpress.org, or your favorite anarchist(ic) bookstores and libraries.
(photos: #QueerAsFuck circle A as seen in Tio’tia:ke/Montreal, summer 2022; fabulous book cover, designed by @eff_charm with circle A by @landonsheely; 2 out of 3 panels from the “flyer” for our schmooze—see The Rhizome House on social media for full info)
#everydayanarchism #anarchismorfascism #queerasfuck #TryAnarchismForLife #TheBeautyOfOurCircle #PracticalAnarchism #WeAreAllWeNeed
nein, einfach.
queer ist keine ideologie. was du hier betreibst ist rechtes #terf-framing. nicht in meiner tl. als nonbinäre mensch nicht, als ally von trans menschen nicht. uns spricht niemand ein existenzrecht zugunsten irgendwelcher menners oder "mein klo gehört mir"-frauen ab.
glaubensbekenntnisse sind wohl eher binäre geschlechtswelten. durch nichts gedeckt außer anekdotischer evidenz des eigenen lebens.
Jochen Schropp, Schauspieler und Moderator, erzählt in seinem Buch »Queer as f*ck« von seinem Coming-out, von Erfahrungen mit Schwulen-Klischees und Diskriminierung.
Zugleich zeichnet er ein Bild vom schwulen Leben und queerer Kultur und wirbt für mehr Toleranz für Menschen, die nicht der gesellschaftlichen Norm entsprechend leben.
Lesenswerter Gastbeitrag von "the little queer review" auf meinem Blog #Homosexualität #Queerness #Sachbuch #jochenschropp #queerasfuck
#queerasfuck #jochenschropp #sachbuch #queerness #homosexualität